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"Start packing your things from today, baby", taehyung pouted at the younger male who was now giggling at him. 

"Koo~",he whined which made the said male to giggle even more.

"We still have 2 more days for the conference, Kimmie",he chuckled. 

"2 days will go by in a wink of an eye, koo. And moreover, only if you start packing now, you'll finish it off by then",he said as a matter of fact as they entered the restaurant they usually go to every evening before their evening walk.

"Did you just call me lazy-

"Oh! There's an empty seat over there!",he interrupted the younger and dragged him towards the seat while the smaller male was busy rolling his eyes at his tactics. They finally took their seats opposite to each other- while jungkook was still glaring at the other with a prominent pout, taehyung was busy with the menu card, acting as if he didn't notice the angry bunny.

"Kimmie",he glared at the other who wanted nothing but to just coo at the cute male but he knew better.

"Baby~ you know I didn't mean it~"

"Then what did you mean?", He raised his eyebrows at the now whining male.

"Baby~ don't be angry at your Kimmie baby~", taehyung literally whined and jungkook was having the time of his life.

"Oh god! Stop whining! It doesn't suit you at all!", He instantly regretted his choice of words.

"Then what suits me, baby?", taehyung smirked and jungkook seriously wanted to smack that smirk away from that handsome face.

"Order my food, Kimmie. You know I cannot manage my qhunger", jungkook pouted and mentally rolled his eyes as that smirk was still evident on taehyung's face.

"Tell me ,baby~ Why do you always make me choose your menu?",he asked as he tilted his head innocently and though it looked innocent, the smirk said otherwise.

"You know why I ask you to select",he grumbled, not wanting to voice out the reason.


"Oh god! Keep it low, Kimmie~ people are watching~",he whisper shouted as he covered his face with his hands.

"Then tell me? If you tell me, I'll be quiet",now taehyung was being stubborn for nothing and jungkook really wanted to pinch him but at the same time he didn't have the heart to do too…

"Because your choices are the best",he grumbled, not really understanding why he had to repeat the same answer though he had already said this days ago for uncountable times. But the next reply from taehyung made everything clear and he couldn't help but cringe badly.

"I know right~ My choices are always the best", he said, eyeing him dreamily as he rested his face on his palms and jungkook seriously didn't see this coming. Not. At. All!

"Wh- Are you trying to flirt with me, Mister?",he asked as he raised his eyebrow at the older male who just shrugged, still remaining in his previous posture.

"Kinda~ Did it work?",he asked while still eyeing him dreamily.

"Well- You suck at it",he poked his tongue out mockingly.

"But your rosy cheeks tell me a different story, baby~", taehyung smirked as he leaned forward to pinch his cheeks- well, attempted to, because Jungkook dodged his sexy hands before it could even touch his cheeks.

"It's- It's my natural blush",he tried to make excuses but the blush only grew darker with every second passed which made taehyung to chuckle loudly.

"Whatever you say, baby",he chuckled but called the waiter immediately when he saw the angry bunny glare at him. Well- he has already reached his limit for the day. He cannot keep on testing his luck¯\_ಠ_ಠ_/¯

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