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"Hello,Mr.kim. I'm Min yoongi. I have worked in your company for about 2 years now-

"We too!", jimin piped in from behind but jin took the initiative for once in his life to stop the younger.

"Hello,yoongi and I've seen you, I mean everyone, in the meetings so I know that you people work here.", taehyung said which earned a shocked look from everyone while a loud gasp from daniel caught his attention immediately.

"Yoongi hyung! He just greeted you back! Moreover he says that he knows us?",daniel whispered, which was more than enough for everyone to hear him loud and clear.

"Tone your voice down, nielie. You're being really loud right now",yoongi whispered but daniel was too stunned to realise his blunder.

"I thought that CEO's would be arrogant, cold hearted, rude-", this time Hoseok immediately covered Daniel's mouth with his palms and looked at their boss sheepishly.

"He's into watching dramas these days,Mr.Kim. Don't mind him", Hoseok stopped himself abruptly when he received a slight nod from his boss.

"I'm jung Hoseok,Mr.Kim. It's nice meeting you",he said and urged daniel to greet him.

"Hello Mr.Kim, I'm niel-", Hoseok immediately pinched him on his side and as if he came out of his dazed state, he instantly introduced himself properly.

"Hello Mr.Kim, I'm Kang daniel but I like being called as nielie",he smiled as he extended his hand towards taehyung who shook his hand slightly while everyone sighed internally.

"No one can stop nielie",was the only thought that everyone had in their minds but let it slide as jimin started introducing himself.

"I'm Park Jiminie,Mr.Kim. It's nice meeting you",jimin groaned softly as jungkook stepped on his left foot.

"Woah kookie!",he whined but shut his mouth instantly when he saw his friend giving him a death glare.

"I'm Kim Seokjin,Mr Kim. Otherwise known as world-

"They're my best friends,Mr.Kim. Yeah!", jungkook interrupted instantly and taehyung who was amazed by everything taking place around him, chuckled softly.

"Nice meeting you, everyone. I didn't know that the company had some interesting people like you",he stated as he stood up.

"Can I use your laptop for some time,Jeon? I just need to send some files to hyung",he asked and jungkook nodded his head frantically as he ran inside his room while taehyung just followed the other, totally ignoring the hawk eyes of his employees.

"So he is reaaallly here in kookie's home?",daniel muttered but yelped when yoongi hit him on his head.

"I don't know how to deal with you guys anymore!",yoongi grumbled as he walked towards the couch, falling on it with an exaggerated sigh.

"And you're one the one to talk", Hoseok mumbled as he sat beside yoongi while the others followed him behind dazedly.

"Can you all come out of this damn daze and behave like normal humans for once? He's our boss,yes but he didn't do anything for you to be like this,you idiots!",yoongi grumbled but growled lightly when his ears got twisted.

"I'm still your hyung,yoongi boongi. You better respect me or you'll be going to hell for not respecting your elders",jin sassed, which only made Yoongi roll his eyes at him.

"Being with you guys alone is enough of a reason for me to go to hell",he mumbled but before jin could retort, jungkook came with a menacing look on his face.

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