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"Baby? Wakey wakey~ we've already landed", taehyung tried to wake the younger boy who whinped in his sleep, bringing a fond smile on his face. The couple took a private jet to Paris the next day evening and it was midnight when they reached their destination, which explains the sleepy state of the bunny who wanted nothing but to snuggle closer to his boyfriend which he was doing now.

"5 more minutes, Kimmie ~ Please~", Jungkook whined and Taehyung couldn't help but chuckle at his adorable baby who would be cute to him even if he just breathed.

"Baby~",he whined back as he hugged the sleepy male.

"Alright then! I'll just carry my sleepy baby to our room-

"But our luggage?", jungkook slurred in his sleep.

"I'll ask someone to bring them for us, baby. Now come on, I'll just-",he carefully carried the younger man like the baby he is and smiled softly when the said male snuggled closer to him.

"My cutiepie ",he mumbled as he walked out before informing someone, probably asking them to bring their luggage to their room.

"Seems like we'll be sharing a room, baby",he informed, though he knew that jungkook was asleep and he wouldn't get any reply. Or so he thought...

"What!? Really? Thank God! I was planning to crash at yours anyways-

"It's thank namjoon hyung, baby. That sneaky hyung booked only one room for us when we were not even in the terms of civilized conversation",he chuckled before placing a tender kiss on the side of his head."But weren't you asleep like... 2 minutes ago? You were literally struggling to even open your eyes-

"Look at the sky, Kimmie! Isn't it beautiful!? I've read somewhere that Paris sky is beautiful and I can clearly see why they said that-

"My baby bunny always wants to be carried but just feels shy to ask-",he chuckled when the bunny whined.

"Kimmie~ I want to go to our room",he whined and snuggled closer to taehyung's neck.

"Just 5 minutes,baby. ",He pecked his lips as he climbed into his car which was already waiting for them.

"Finally ~", jungkook plopped on the bed while taehyung was busy removing his jacket.

"Go freshen up first, baby. You'll fall asleep like this", taehyung said as he pulled up jungkook by his wrist who walked towards the bathroom grumpily, not before throwing a 'menacing' glare at the demanding male who just laughed at his cute antics.

"Come back in a minute, Kimmie. I want cuddles ", jungkook said as he came out of the bathroom while wiping his face with a towel and who is Taehyung to say otherwise.

"Sure, baby. I'll just change my clothes",he hurried inside while jungkook just threw his towel somewhere before lying on the bed, patiently waiting for taehyung to come back to him.

Surprise in a surprise 💃💃💃


"You be the big spoon, Kimmie", jungkook said as soon as taehyung came out, who instantly placed his wet towel on the nearby chair before climbing on the bed, instantly cocooning the younger one in between his built arms.

"Sleep, baby", taehyung bit his lips when he felt jungkook moving his body towards his, probably trying to find a comfortable position but-

"Koo~ baby! Don't move around a lot and try to sleep,yeah? You must be tired because of the long journey",he groaned softly.

Love Me, Heal Me ||TAEKOOK▶️Where stories live. Discover now