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Taehyung was startled abruptly when he heard the loud greetings of the Jeon family as he was still seated in the dining area. It has been 20 minutes since they informed the older jeons to come to the Kim mansion and from then on jungkook has been waiting for them at the entrance, only after taehyung said that they'll continue eating once they arrive.

Two minutes later he was able to see the loud family as they entered the living room- while the lady was dragging two luggage behind her, the man was giving a piggyback ride to his son who was clinging onto his back like a baby. The scene instantly brought a fond smile on his face but somewhere in the back of his heart, he felt envious. The scene alone brought back a lot of memories of his family which instantly made him an emotional mess.

"Are you alright,baby? Why are you staying here?",he heard the lady ask but straightened his posture as soon as he made eye contact with the lady. He smiled awkwardly when he saw her smiling at him and contemplated within himself how he should greet them but thankfully his assistant butted in and saved his ass by starting a conversation.

"I'm fine, mommy. It's Mr.Kim who got injured",he said as he climbed down the man while the lady rushed towards him.

"You're injured? What happened? Are you alright,dear?",she asked as she crouched down beside him and examined his wrapped up leg. That gesture alone made him feel the immediate need to cry then and there. He remembered his childhood days where his mom and mama would be damn worried when they saw him injured like this and felt himself on the verge of crying.

"I'm... I'm fine ,Mrs.Jeon. I just slipped and nothing major happened. Just a minor crack in my ankle",he managed to control his tears which didn't go unnoticed by the lady.

"You should be more careful,dear. See, you've hurted yourself",she said sadly as she caressed his cheeks who unconsciously leaned onto her touch.

"I'll be more careful from now on,Mrs Jeon",he smiled a little when the woman smiled at him.

"I'll be here for 2 days,dear and my only work is to cook you a lot of delicious food! There's no medicine better than tasty food, you know",she giggled as he pinched Taehyung's cheeks when she saw him nodding his head up and down frantically and hugged him gently, who hugged back rather instantly.

"My poor child! I think he misses his mom right now. He's not anything like those media people portrayed about him! Those fuckers! He's literally a small baby who's longing for his mom's love",she felt herself tear up and broke the hug after a minute or so when a sudden realisation hit her.

"Wait a minute? Why is it suddenly so silent?",she asked suspiciously as she turned towards her side and her reaction alone made the young CEO chuckle softly.

"These two! Sometimes I feel like a single parent handling two kids!"she mumbled, which earned a chuckle from taehyung.

"Twins to be exact?",he asked and chuckled when the lady rolled her eyes playfully at him and turned towards the duo who were silently devouring the lamb skewers while still standing.

"YOU TWO! WHERE ARE YOUR MANNERS!?",she screeched as she pinched their ears who whined in response. 

"Pumpkin~",the man whined but smiled sheepishly when he saw his wifey glare at him.

"You're a father of a 24 year old baby, jungie",she said as she twisted his ear even more while Jungkook was secretly trying to free his ear as his mommy was concentrating on his Papa's poor ear.

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