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I'm so sorry that I couldn't stick onto my schedule last week. I was sick, still I am. So try to ignore the mistakes☺️☺️

"You could've just sent it through your assistant, Ms.Bae", taehyung said boredly while suppressing his strongest urge to roll his eyes at the girl who was sitting opposite to him with restless eyes. It was the next day, a normal office day for taehyung and was about to end like one until Bae jinyoung, his potential love rival entered his cabin with a not so important file in her hands with that love sick smile on her face- which by the way irritated the said male to an extreme extent.

"Thank god that I sent koo to get me my coffee",he couldn't sigh completely when he heard his cabin door open. Seems like the almighty is on the lady's side. Taehyung literally sulked while jungkook and jinyoung who were greeting each other right now, failed to notice it.

"Hey, Ms.Bae. Good evening",he greeted as he bowed a little, who in return gave a wide toothy smile as she couldn't mask the happiness of finally seeing the love of her life after weeks of no contact.

"Good evening, jung- Mr.Jeon",she smiled sheepishly as she turned towards taehyung who was now having a poker face.

"Your coffee, Mr.Kim", jungkook chimed but furrowed his eyebrows when he saw the said male glaring at Ms.Bae who's still looking at him? And damn! If looks can kill, Ms.Bae might be all dead and buried 6 ft deep inside the ground by now.

"Hmm… I'll take my leave now?",he informed but pouted when he saw his boss's attention was still on Ms.Bae and his pout turned into a sheepish confused grin when he saw the said lady still smiling at him.

"Mmm… I'll be leaving?",he informed her who just nodded at him and with one last look at taehyung, he rushed out of the cabin and sighed loudly.

"My god! What was that?",he mumbled under his breath but shook his head, shrugging off his thoughts before walking to his desk to work on his work.

Meanwhile in the cabin-

"I've already signed the file, Ms.Bae. Is there anything else to discuss?", At this rate taehyung was very much irritated by the love sick expression of the young girl who seemed to have no problem expressing her feelings openly.

"This bitch!",he grumbled in his mind when the said girl was still in her fantasy world.

"Ms.Bae!",he snapped his fingers to gain her attention which he did and rolled his eyes at the flabbergasted blushing lady who instantly gave him a sheepish smile.

"Huh… I'm sorry ,Mr.Kim. You were saying?",she asked in her professional manner and though he was surprised by the instant change, he still felt annoyed by her mere presence.

"I've already signed the papers. Do you have any other matter to discuss?",he asked in between his gritted teeth and had the strongest urge to break all of her teeth when he saw her grinning at him.

"No, Mr Kim. Thank you so much. I'll take my leave now",she took the file, bowed slightly, and walked away, leaving a fuming taehyung on his desk.

"This bitch! How dare she!? Does she think that I'm that dumb to not know her motive in her today's visit? I bet she'll be having a 'nice conversation' with my koo outside",he grumbled and clicked on his laptop to see what's happening outside through the CCTV camera and he instantly felt the rage when he saw the lady hugging his koo.

"How dare she!? I'll cut off her noodle hands!",he growled as he got up, ready to claim what's his but stopped near the door when he heard the melodic giggles of his koo.

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