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Jungkook was frustrated. He really wanted to throw a dozen of empty banana milk cartons right at his boss's face and run away but his morals were stopping him from doing that. Little Jungkook was that trustfrated!

And the reason behind our kookie's frustration-sorry trustfration? Obviously it's because of the man named Kim Taehyung and if you might ask about this to Jungkook he might rant at least 2 long pages continuously with no break and die out of oxygen depletion. Poor jungkookie. So anyways~ Want to know the exact reason behind this?

You see, it's been 2, almost 3 weeks since Taehyung came to know that he has some kind of attraction? Feelings? Crush? Or whatever it is, for his assistant who is roaming around him, oblivious to what he has done to his heart and mind.

After two days of their stay at the Kim mansion, the older Jeons took their leave and just like that, Jungkook's life turned 'unpleasant' in a wink of an eye. During those 2 day stay of his parents, he of course felt the weird behaviour of his boss but didn't have any idea that it'll turn out to be this intense. He must've considered those weird glances from his boss every now and then as the warning bells but his dumb brain failed to do so and did the straight opposite. It suggested him to blush like a madman and as a result, now he's 'enjoying' his life and the sole reason behind this is his ignorance!

Taehyung would literally chase him out of his mansion in the name of work and no matter how simple the said work was, even if he could simply deal with it through a phone call, he was made to go straight to the venue and complete it directly. Jungkook already accepted his tiresome fate with no argument but what made him really frustrated was, he was always yelled at by his boss no matter what he did. For fucks sake! If it takes 10 minutes, that is if he takes every possible shortcut and drives at the fastest speed that is allowed, to reach the mansion from the place he's in, trying to be a minute earlier is possible. But how the fuck can he come in less than 5 minutes! And not to mention! This is just a teaser for what he had gone through for the past weeks.

Once he comes back to the mansion after his work, he has to work with his boss in his office room but within a few minutes, he'll be soon kicked out of the room only to be called in the next minute. And finally after 2 long weeks, taehyung could finally step out of his mansion as his doctor has finally given the green signal not before warning him not to stress his legs too much. But to much of Jungkook's dismay, the same situation continued even in the office which really urged him to pull out his hair and scream like a maniac. It was like his boss hated his mere existence but the work he had to do was stopping him from firing him then and there.

"What the hell happened to him? I thought we became friends but seems like he has started hating me more than he did before", jungkook mumbled as he sat on his seat, waiting for his boss to call him inside because it's been more than 5 minutes that he's been outside and his boss didn't call him yet and at this rate, it became abnormal for him to stay alone without being scolded by his boss for every 5 minutes.

And with taehyung- he really wanted to ignore those pointless feelings he has for his assistant which is nonsense from his point of view and the only way to move on from this shit was to keep him as far away as possible. But at the same time, he couldn't control his tremendous urge to hold him close 24/7. And that stands as the sole reason behind Jungkook's misery. He really wanted to yeet the younger male out of this planet so that he wouldn't see him and transform his so called feelings into something deeper but at the same time he missed him so much (😑) and calls him in for every 5 minutes, leading both of them to suffer in process.

And Namjoon who's been witnessing this from the beginning, though he was enjoying his stone hearted brother suffer like this, he still felt bad for the youngest. That poor thing is suffering without knowing anything and that's why he racked his precious brain to find a solution to put an end to it. And the thing he came up with after a lot of thinking was- jealousy.

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