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10 minutes. Taehyung was waiting outside jungkook's room for nearly 10 minutes by now, not really knowing what to do. He actually followed the younger male who ran towards his room but waited near the door contemplating whether he must just wait outside until jungkook comes out or enter the room and apologize. 

Regret. It was one of the feelings he was experiencing right now and his heart wrenched as he heard muffled cries of the said male from the other side of the door. 

"What should I do now? Why do you have such a sharp tongue,tae!? See what you've caused!?",he mumbled as he sighed. To say that he felt worse was an understatement.

"Fuck it", taehyung muttered as he slowly pushed open the door after a few more seconds of scolding himself only to see the most heartbreaking scene in front of him.

Jungkook was there, sitting on the floor leaning against the bed, crying his heart out as he was shivering badly while breathing heavily?

"Panic attack! He's having a panic attack! ", An alarm went inside taehyung's mind and he instantly wheeled his chair hurriedly and climbed down, reaching for the crying male.

"Jungkook! Jungkook!",he panicked as he brought the younger male closer to him.

"Breath, jungkook. Oh god! What should I do now!?",he panicked as he hugged him gently.

"Try to follow me,ok? Breath in~ Breath out~ Breath in~ Breath out~",he gently requested and smiled softly when he felt the younger man following his words.

"You're doing great, jungkook. Slowly breath in and breathe out okay?",he said and soon Jungkook fell limp on his shoulder, startling taehyung in the process.

"Oh god! Did he faint!?", taehyung hurriedly yet gently tried to move the younger one so that he could see his face.

"Jungkook!? Did you faint?",he gently patted his bread cheeks and sighed in relief when he heard a soft whine. 

"He just fell asleep, I guess",he mumbled as he slowly wiped the tear stained face of the younger who was sleeping with his mouth slightly open.

"He must be exhausted because of the panic attack",he mumbled as he tried to stand up so that he could place him on the bed but his injured ankle was not helping him at the moment.

"Argg",he groaned softly but controlled himself when he saw the other whine. He just sighed and decided to just sit there with the younger one leaning on him until he woke up.

"Mhmm…", jungkook hummed in his sleep as he hugged the nearest thing beside him.

"Comfy~",he mumbled as he snuggled closer to the 'thing' which was slowly moving up and down? He, with much difficulty opened his eyes only to be met with a chest part of… a male? And they were hugging eachother?

"What the- Did I get drunk and have a one night stand!?"horror struck him instantly and looked up at the male beside him with a speed faster than the light only for him to gasp loudly.

"Mr.Kim!?", He gasped while taehyung just gave him a pained look as he clutched his chest with his one hand. 

"You startled me!", taehyung groaned as he unconsciously held the younger one closer with his other hand.

"I was in deep sleep until you decided to frighten me",he continued sleepily but groaned when the other moved away from him.

"I'm.. I'm s-so s-orry,Mr Kim. Y-you're a-already inju-red and..and I was lying o-on you m-making it w-worse-

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