Chapter 8 - Life just doesn't make sense here

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AN: So.....
Hello folks! I know I know... I haven't really updated in a long time... But seriously couldn't... Anyway will not waste anymore of your time... On with the chapter and hope you enjoy!

Mystic Falls - Damon POV (present time)

Stefan had returned to our hometown a while ago.In the meantime, I'd drunk my way across the country until I decided to return to Mystic Falls to give Saint Stefan hell. Had to make my own fun somehow, after all, and there was nothing more fun than teasing Stefanie to the point where that little vein on his forehead was about to pop. Was it possible for a vampire to have an aneurysm? Well, we'd find out.

When I came to town, I was a little shocked to see the girl- Elena, was it?- who looked exactly like Kitty Kat. At first I thought she was Katherine but then Saint Stefan came in between and said that it was a human who looked exactly like Katherine. Imagine that. Saint Stefan protecting the carbon copy of that selfish b*tch. Well then.

Maybe I'd flirt with Elena some more to make my little brother jealous. She was a pretty little thing, too sweet for my tastes, but certainly doable... although I may have to put a bag over her head to keep from strangling her since she was the spitting image of Katherine. Instant deflater.

The night of the comet, I got two witches to open the tomb and went in. There was no sign of Katherine in the tomb and I realised that I had been tricked again. Unable to exact my revenge, I drowned myself in alcohol, blood and sex. Saint Stefan and his little princess Elena had been hovering, judging me under the guise of family or friendship or whatever shit they wanted to call it. Slowly, I found myself being the leader/ protector of the Scooby gang as I liked to call it.

One day, I was looking at an old picture of Isa and me. She looked so happy then. Kol was the one who was taking the pictures that day. It was her birthday and she was upset that her older brother was unable to come to Mystic Falls as he was tied up. But, I arranged a surprise that she really liked, which in itself was a big feat. Normally, she hated getting surprises.

I didn't realise that I had tears in my eyes until Elena asked me what it was about. Looking at her, with memories of Isa fresh in my mind and the night we had the fight, I felt utter hatred towards her and snapped at her to leave me alone, goddammit! I sped out of the boarding house and reached the stream. (AN: If someone has forgotten which stream I'm talking about here.... It's the place Damon met Bella for the first time)

Then the whole drama with Isobel happened and I had to hand over the Gilbert device for the sake of Ric. I did not care as much about the little miss carbon copy as everyone else thought.

Katherine made her appearance at the masquerade. I was about to kill her when little Gilbert stopped me saying she had somehow connected herself with Elena and everytime we hurt Katherine, Elena could feel it too.

Suffice to say Witchy was asked to work her ju-ju and Stefan and I dropped the selfish bitch in the tomb.

Even after several warnings, Elena went to give a little blood to Katherine and she learnt about the Sun and Moon curse (of which Little Miss Gilbert was a main component) and the Original vampires of our kind.

Well fuck Elena! How many more problems can you attract?

Elena went and got kidnapped by some Trevor guy. Saint Stefan and I went to rescue her while Judgey and baby Gilbert helped us locate her. We found her in an abandoned house, where we met another vampire Rose. Trevor and Rose were apparently using Elena, the Petrova doppelgänger who is the key to breaking the curse, as a bargaining chip. Elijah arrived and Rose offered him Elena in exchange for their pardon. Elijah did agree but killed Trevor. Stefanie and I arrived to fight with Elijah and I staked him with the coat hanger.

And then came Elijah. He was perfectly civil until he heard my name. Something in him flipped and I was the target of his anger every damn time. What the fuck? I didn't do anything to him... well except the time I staked him with the coat hanger. But I thought he got over it.

I thought he'd wanted Elena but it seemed as if he had a change of heart and instead tried killing me....on several occasions.

Sabrina the Teenage Bitch planned to lift the spell from the tomb and incapacitate Katherine so that Stefan could grab the moonstone. When we reached the tomb, I got a call from Rose saying that Elena was willingly going to surrender to Klaus, so I had to go to Slater's where we were surrounded by 3 more vamps. Noble Elijah was there to save the day but it seemed like I was still on the receiving end of the "I-dearly-want-to-torture-you-but-I'm-too-noble-to-do-so" glare.

"What the fuck did I d to you? Well, except staking you that day.", I called out to him when he was about to leave.

He gave me a scathing look that almost made me outwardly shiver with fear

"You hurt someone I love dearly, Mr. Salvatore. No one gets to do that and live. Yet here you are. If I do kill you, it would break her heart. So you should be very thankful to her that you are still breathing right now.", with that he turned on his heel and left.

Back home, it turns out that Baby Gilbert went ahead with the plan alone and was captured by Katherine, who fed on him. Stefan saved Jeremy but got himself trapped. A trapped Stefan makes me promise to protect Elena.

Elijah made a deal with Elena: she had to keep herself safe from Klaus (so that Elijah can use her as bait to kill Klaus) and in return, Elijah will protect her friends and family and free Stefan from the tomb.

I invited Elijah to the boarding house for a dinner party intending to dagger him with the dagger John Gilbert gave princess Elena.

A few days later, at the decade dance I found out that my drinking buddy, Ric, was actually possessed by Klaus.

Elena removed the dagger from Elijah and he told her about the real curse which was placed on the Hybrid - Klaus, his brother. He also told her that in order to break the curse, a vampire and a werewolf were also needed. Needless to say we rescued the vampire and werewolf who BTW, that means by the way, were Barbie and Tyler Lockwood. When I went to Klaus to tell him this, I felt mildly vindictive when he had an enraged look on his face.

I, at the time, assumed it was because of me freeing his main components of the curse. But turned out it was something else entirely when he said, "Damon Salvatore. I've heard a lot about you. I was wondering when I would meet you in flesh and Mr. Saltzman's body did not count. You see mate, there are few things that Lijah and I agree to. You have successfully gotten on the bad side of most of my siblings, including me and Lijah, by hurting a person very dear to us... Now I would love to torture you like I do every person - man or woman- who has hurt her, but as I am sure Elijah has already told you, it would break her heart. So if you do want to stay alive, I reckon you stay away from my family, especially her", after he stabbed me in the gut. "Also you should know, Mr. Salvatore, I always have a backup."

Well shit. And who was this mystery person both the brothers talked about?

Anyway, the night of the ritual I force fed Elena my blood - yeah bad thinking on my part, I know that now.

When we tried to rescue Elena and Elijah had his hand in Klaus' chest wrapped around his heart, Klaus let out a grunt of pain and yelled, "I did not dagger her. She's safe as are the rest of our siblings though they are daggered. I know where she is and just think about what it would do to her if her own family killed each other?!"

And then Elijah faltered giving Klaus time to complete his transition and shift into a werewolf.

Well, after all of this drama, they apparently decided to play house by waking their family (whom by the way, no one has gotten a glimpse of) and getting out of Mystic Falls. Though I think that last bit is temporary seeing as Klaus is still renovating that huge mansion he has.

Now Barbie and I have gone to a tomb in Charlotte to wake someone who can possibly kill Klaus...

AN: Hope you liked the chapter

Took a long time to finish this

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