Chapter 12 - Threats and Comfort

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AN: For the record, I find Klaus' hybrid face really hot...


It had been a long time since my family sat down and had a meal together. Being with them made me realise just why I hated my mother for turning us, but she did lead me to find my love, even if he didn't love me back. I got to experience a beautiful emotion. Much like the one that surrounded me when I watched my siblings food-fighting. I do not remember them doing so since we were humans, before Henri died. Nik and I were laughing about something Kol had done in the past weeks when his whole body tensed and he turned to the door. Curious to see what caused this change in demeanor, I looked towards the door too and barely held in my gasp of surprise. How was he still alive?! Unless- That little bitch turned him! I was fuming in anger but then what had I expected? He did love her and with this came back the pain from all those years ago. I had hoped to forget him. Hoped that he had a normal life after copy Kat was out of his life. Hoped that he- I cut off my thoughts when his icy blue eyes turned to look directly into my brown ones.

I momentarily forgot to breathe as his eyes flashed with recognition and disbelief. Nik's low warning growl at Damon snapped me out of my stupor and I watched as Damon's eyes tightened in- was that pain and jealousy?!

Why would he be jealous? He had his precious Katherine with him!

I turned my eyes away from him and looked at my brother. Immediately, I had a feeling that he wanted to cause trouble. He had his smirk in place and I knew he had some twisted plan for Damon, if he chose to approach us. And approach us he did.

I turned to look at him walking towards us with an indifferent look on his face.

"Well well well! If it isn't the big bad wolf and his little toy! Tell me what do you want from this tiny town?"

I could see that calling me Nik's toy did not go well with any of us. My eyes lit up with anger, in Damon's eyes I could see- pain?, as if calling me someone's toy bothered him to no end; and Nik had the worst reaction. Whatever he was planning went down the drain when he cast a look around the Grill and saw no one looking at us. Before Damon could blink, he wrapped his hand around the young vampire's neck and dragged him outside into an alley, leaving me to pay and follow them.

I saw Nik press Damon against the wall, squeezing his neck. Trying to rip it off.

"You know, Mr. Salvatore? I care about very few people, which include my siblings and now my father. Though I do care for Isa the most! I hear you insult her one more time and I will show you the true form of torture, no matter what Isa says. Right now, it is only because of her that you are alive. If any member of my family hears you insult her, we will torture you. Rip you into tiny pieces, and burn you. You will be shown no mercy. And I will enjoy seeing you scream for it. And you will do well to remember that!", Nik spit out and released Damon, who tried to breathe, choking and spluttering.

"Niklaus!", I warned.

He sighed. His hybrid face was out. I could tell he wanted to take a bite out of Damon and inject his venom into his bloodstream but he knew I would be terribly upset with him. I know Damon hurt me, might still be with Tatia's doppelganger, but I still loved him.

"Nik. Let's go. We have a lot of work to do. Come on. I need to call Charlie too. I apologize for my brother, Mr. Salvatore. You have my word that he will not attack you again, unless you attack first. You have my word that I will not bother you and- and your l-love. Um... Nik let's go please."

It pained me to get those words out but I should not have stuttered. Should not have given him the satisfaction to see me in pain. I pleaded with my brother and he gave me a soft look. Giving one last glare to Damon, he took my hand and we sped off.

"That was clearly unnecessary, Nik! You should have ignored him.", I stated, once we reached the mansion.

"He insulted you, little swan. I could not let that bloody bastard get away with that. Also, he is not seeing Katerina. It seems to me that he is in love with another doppelganger. The human one that I used for the ritual. She apparently prefers both brothers, just as her ancestors.", he sighed.

"I am really sorry, little one. I wish I could have taken your pain away. I hope he comes to his senses soon. I do not want to see you hurt, little sister."

"Oh Nik!", I hugged him tightly.

"I love you. And I know you care for me a lot. But I'm grown now. I can handle these things on my own. If I need help, I know I can come to any of you and you will all help me. This time, I do not know if Damon will ever love me. The most I can hope for right now, is his friendship. I know that things may never be the same between us again."

That was the scene Kol and Bekah stumbled upon some time later.

AN: Next chapter will be Damon Pov of the event...

Lemme know what you thought of this chapter!

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Lots of love,


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