Chapter 22 - Emotions

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AN: I'm back! Sorry it was just too much stress too suddenly. Now I finally know what I'm doing with my life... Kind of... Anyway, not gonna keep it from you any longer!

Previously on ISFM:

"And this is... this is Damon Salvatore.", his name fell out so lovingly from her lips. How long has she loved him? The dark haired man's (Damon- my mind corrected.) eyes did not leave Bella the whole time. It was as if he was afraid she may disappear if he looked away too long.

Suddenly Jazzy's voice sounded behind me, "Well well well. Look who we have here. Captain Damon Salvatore and baby brother Salvatore. In the flesh. What happened?", his voice took a serious tone suddenly.

"Pleasure to see you too, Major!"

"Cut the crap. What did you get yourself into, Captain? And what did you do to my baby sister?"

"Your baby sister?"

"Isabella. Or as you call her Isa."

"Ah. Now that's a long story."

"Well considering both of us are immortal, I think we have plenty of time. Do not make me ask you again. What happened?", with that he released waves of his power. Rage rolling off of him.

"Okay okay. I'll tell you. Calm down."

Jasper just hummed.

"What just happened here?", I whispered to Bella who was face-palming.

"Typical cheeky Damon and somewhat alpha male Jasper.", she whispered back.


"Well he can't really beat my family of course. But he is the alpha male of your species. Not just anyone can be the 'God of War' you know?"

I nodded.

She then raised her voice so that she was heard by everyone in the room.

"Okay. Are we done listening to your sort of bromance, can we get on with the important matters? Namely, why are you guys here, where are the rest?"

I coughed, bringing the attention to me. "I think we need your three other friends for this.

The Salvatores looked puzzled.

I sighed and said, "Bonnie Bennett, Caroline Forbes and Tyler Lockwood."

"Oh right!"

"Well who's calling them?"

"I will.", Stefan said, shooting off a quick text.

It was just 10 minutes later that everyone needed, was present in the living room of the Salvatore Boarding House. Bonnie was wary of us and rightfully so. Caroline and Klaus were sneaking glances at each other. And Tyler was looking at everyone curiously before getting impatient and asking why they were called there and who we were. Bella introduced everyone again, this time including herself as Tyler didn't know who she was.

I clapped my hands excitedly. Bella turned to me and asked, "What did you see, Alice?"

"Tyler's mate is going to come soon and she will help us with our problem!"

"What problem?"

"Oh right. This was one of the reasons we came here. A few days after you left, Edward got a little- uh-" Rose interrupted me saying, "What she is trying to say is that Edward became deranged and started spewing things like 'Saving my Bella', 'She is mine', 'I will save her and take her far away', 'She should know to respect me', etcetera. After that he ran away from home and obviously Carlisle and Esme were too attached to him to not think of ways to get him back."

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