Chapter 20 - Warnings

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3 days later, Cullen house, Ithaca, New York (3rd Person POV):

"Why did you bring us here?"

"Rose, calm down. I don't want to fight with you but this was important. Have you ever felt that your thoughts were not your own? Anytime around Edward?"

There was silence following the question, which Alice had expected as both Emmett and Rosalie thought over her question.

Finally, Emmett responded, "Yeah, there were a few times that we felt so. There was this one time when I ran across a really good-smelling human and I was thinking about snapping his neck and draining him dry. Maybe even torture him first. But thankfully, my Rosie snapped me out of it. I never did understand where the thought came from because I generally don't think like that. Not even when I came across my singer."

Rosalie rubbed his arm and told him it wasn't his fault.

"Why was this necessary, Alice?"

Alice shared a look with her mate and he nodded. She sighed and clasped her hands together.

"We have reason to believe that Edward has more than one power. He can not only read minds but also manipulate thoughts which he did to me when Bella wanted to leave with her brothers. I already knew she wasn't human and was definitely not meant to stay with Edward. I had seen her happy with a raven-haired man. We need to go to Mystic Falls to apologize and warn her about Edward-"

She cut herself off and when they looked at her, she seemed to be in trance, having a vision.

When she came out of it, she looked horrified.

"What happened Alice? What did you see? Talk to me.", Jasper said.

"He's going to team up with Victoria and build a newborn army to destroy the whole city. Just to try and get back at Bella. We need to leave. Now."

"Wait, Alice. Tell me the description of the man you saw with Bella."

"Um... he has black hair, blue eyes, and is definitely a vampire. I heard him call someone Stefan."

Jasper inhaled sharply.

"I believe I know who you are talking about. Well considering he's alive after all these years, let's crash at his place."

"What's his name, Jazz?"

"Damon Salvatore."


Mystic Falls, 3rd person POV

After spending time with Caroline and Klaus, Bella was left feeling like she just gained a new sister. Of course, it would soon become official if the look both of them gave each other was anything to go by. She knew they had much to talk about so she excused herself saying she wanted to roam around the town alone. Wanted to see how much it had changed since she was last there.

She ran into Kol and Rebekah on her way to the caves. They had just finished restocking their blood supply in the mansion.

She told them to return to the mansion and that she would be there in a bit after she visited the caves. As she left, Rebekah and Kol shared a look. They knew that it was where Henrik had died. Bella used to visit it every day when they were in Mystic Falls.


I walked down the familiar path to the caves where my twin had breathed his last breath. I always felt closer to him in that place. When he died, half of me died too. I missed him a lot.

"Why did you have to leave me, Henri? I miss you so much. Father misses you. Nik feels guilty every day and I cannot seem to snap him out of it, no matter how hard I try. I am afraid we may lose him. At this moment only Caroline is the one keeping him afloat.", I sobbed. I felt pathetic. I should not be this weak. I need to be strong for the rest. Henri should not have to see me like this. I know he's here. Always here.

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