Part 1 (the author skips a forword!)

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Lauren's Pov

Band practice as usual. Except it wasn't normal. Corey wasn't here and no one knew where he was because he wouldn't text us or pick up.
"So are we planning on practicing with out him or not?" Kin asked.
"Yeah it's Lauren I'm calling to ask a question. Why on earth did you schedule band practice if your not going to show up!?!" I screed into my phone.
"Im going no because Corey has the most important guitar chords and it wouldn't sound right without it," Jenna said.
"Ping-pong?" Kon said excitedly.
"I play winner," Laney said as Corey walked through the door.
"Hi Corey did you manage to get my 7 messages?" I asked.
"Yeah... they were nice..." He said.
"So core why were you late?" I asked pretty ticked that he didn't have time to even listen to my messages. It better be important.
"I was on a date," Corey said.
"Ooh this means something!" Kon popped in.
"Corey has only been on dates with two people both standing in this room." Kon said.
"So it must be someone new!" Kon said.
"Dude I couldn't have figured that out." Laney said.
"Yeah it was," Corey said awkwardly.
"Yeah well it must have been a whole lot of fun for you not to be able to say, I should be at band practice so I should take this call to explain why I'm not there to them" i complained.
"Yeah I took a girl I met while we were on tour last month, Katy, out to dinner," Corey explained. Maybe I wasn't over Corey. I didn't like seeing him out with Laney but at least she deserves him. I don't even know this girl but I will soon enough. 

Laney's pov

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. It was only a few days ago that we had broken up. When he and Lauren broke up it was a fire. Tears on both sides. Still I would rather have Corey go out with Lauren than some random girl because I know everything about her inside out. I know what she pulls but for all I know Corey could be getting engaged in a month. Lauren and I would both never be over Corey because he just stings because as soon as it's over he does hurt but the sting never goes away. Corey rolled his eyes at Lauren's comment. "fine well at least let us meet her!" Lauren complained.

Corey's POV

They don't begin to understand how amazing katy is. Laney's eyes can't compare and neither can Lauren's endless talent. She was amazing. She has like stolen the best from everyone I love. I don't care if Lauren is giving me snot for being really late to practice she's only doing it because I do it to her.
"Maybe," I said "im not sure you'd like her,"
"Really? If she's as amazing as you say she is, we would need to eventually meet her." Laney said. 

Lauren's POV

"Fine I'll see if she can come tomorrow," Corey said walking out to get on him phone.
"Laney," i said.
"Im way ahead of you Lauren," she said back.

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