Interveiw pt. 2

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Im really trying to finish this.

Laney's Pov

I was behind the curtain of the stage while Miranda gestured Lauren off stage after her time. The stage manager motions me to come forward to get to the "X." Miranda beings to talk.
"For our next guest, a close friend of our last guest, please welcome Laney Penn!" She says and the strange manager pushes me onto the stage almost making me fall. Once I get my footing I wave to the audience putting on a fake smile. "Glad to have you here Laney," she smiles at me as I take a seat on the overly fancy couch.
"Yeah thanks for having me," I lie as I catch Lauren standing across stage holding a picture of Katy and pointing to it like a mad woman making weird faces. I smiled as she made a fool of herself even though I would be the only one to witness this gold.
"So last time we had you here it was right after the release of Grojband's 2nd album. What has changed with the band since?" I smile and sit up crossing my legs.
"Well is been fairly dramatic with relationship jazz, which I think is a good spot to start. Corey's been singing more than Lauren, we got a nicer house..." I start trailing on.
"You got a new house?" She asks looking up.
"Yeah we did," I say pushing a piece my red hair behind my ear. "It's almost twice the size and price but we love it."
"Oh fancy!" She says, "so I want to ask you this... What's your favorite song to preform?" She asks.
"Hmm... That's hard. I really love most of them," I tap my finger on my chin. "I don't like a lot of the songs Corey would write about Lauren or... Katy... But I guess you get the gist of it." She chuckles softly at my answer.
"You don't like watching him be into other girls," she smiles.
"No I don't," I admit and glance at Lauren pointing at a picture of Katy while she has a pissed look glued on her face because of what I said. "I guess it's just one of those things that you hate to watch your first, and only, love be in love with someone else."
"That's pretty cute," Miranda says, "I'll have to admit I'm one of the Corney shippers!" There comes a huge applause mixed with booing in the crowd. I fake a laugh at the crowds reaction and smile. But Corey chose Katy so it doesn't really matter.
"What do we have Coren shippers?" Miranda asks and there's another booing and cheering mix. "What about Coraty?" She asks and boos ignite everywhere. I see Lauren out of the corner of my eye laughing like an idiot again. I reminded myself never to again get on her bad side. The woman was crazy... And on the phone. Accurate.
"We haven't asked about Kin or Kon though..." Miranda says, "how have they been?"
"Into cheese," I smirk.
"Not much change there!" Miranda laughs. "Well we're about it of time! Thanks for being here Laney!" She says and there's the usual applause while we hug the host wave an leave.

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