I told on you

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Lauren's pov

"Are you going to do something about "Katy?" Carrie asks.
"I don't know," I start, "it's not that I want Corey back--because I don't, but I don't think it's right for him to be dating a scam," I say.
"You should just tell him," Carrie says.
"He hasn't believed a thing I've said in weeks but I can try anyway," I say getting up off Carries couch.
"Wait wait wait," Carrie says.
"What?" I ask.
"Just sabotage Katy!" Carrie says. I smirk.
"I like your idea you in?" I ask.
"Sure," she says and stands up.
"And there's no way Laney won't be in too when I tell her," I say.
"Call her now," Carrie says.
"Urm okie," I say and dial her number. After two rings she picks up and I put it on speaker.
"Laney penn," she says.
"Hey Laney is Lauren and Carrie there's something we have to tell you," I say.
"Ok," she says. "but why are you with Carrie?" She asks.
"I'm gonna try not to take that offensively man," Carrie says.
"She gonna help us," I say.
"With what?" Laney asks.
"We are going to sabotage Katy," I say.
"Ok. but why?" Laney asks.
"You'll see. She's not who she says she is at all. I'll send you the evidence after I hang up,"
"Really? She's tricking Core?" Laney asks.
"Yeah she is. She's not Katy everyone calls her Katherine she's a huge Hollywood actress," I say. Laney gasps.
"She's going down," she says full of anger.
"Okay great," I say peppily. "does that mean your in?" I ask.

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