Another probably shitty update

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Laneys POV

I waited around for hours. I had gotten home around 2 am myself, there was no sign of Lauren or Corey. I sat by the front door quietly playing my bass when rainbow haired Lauren walked silently in.
"Laney," she whisper jumped. "What are you doing up?"
"I was just playing my bass. Couldn't sleep," I lied. I was waiting for Corey. But I wouldn't admit that. "How was your date?" I changed the subject.
"It was great," she smoothed down her black frilly skirt.
"Wow." It was all I could manage. Lauren had gone on a lot of dates but they were short and she normally ditched the guy quicker than Corey ditched me for her back when we were young. I found the words to continue talking. "So who was it even anyway?" I ask.
"Oh." She pulls out her phone and shows me a picture of her with a brunette boy about an inch or 2 taller than her even with her heels. "His name is Sean." She smiles.
"You're smiling." I point out.
"What? No!" She says and starts to blush.
"Yes! Now you're blushing!" I say.
"No!" She says turning even redder. She takes a moment to get her composure. "Lauren Delany does not blush." She says to herself. At that moment Jenna emerges from the shadows with hair in a bun in her pajamas.
"I saw we were having girl talk without me." She yawns.
"How..." I start.
"She is psychic. She came to my house at 3 am when I was having a crisis and I didn't call or text or anything. And she came with 15 pounds of chocolate. I don't even know where the hell she got it." Lauren says.
"I like your skirt." She points to Lauren "what is the situation?" She asks poking herself into our little circle. "So do I get details?" She asks. Lauren sighs and pulls her phone out again.  She shows Jenna the picture of here and the brown haired boy wearing a white tee shirt with a blazer like jacket over it.
"What's his name? Did you kiss him? What was he like? What does he do for a living? If you kissed is he a good kisser?" Jenna throws about 10 questions at Lauren in 10 seconds. Lauren doesn't even flinch.
"Sean. Yes. Really fucking nice but not scary nice. He's a lawyer. Yeah." She says. My mouth drops. Lauren turns to me.
"I've been doing this since I was 13. Fairly used to it."
"I'm gonna go to bed." I announce and drudge over to my room without waiting for an answer. I can hear them continue to talk as I lay down in bed.

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