Interview prep

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Laney's pov

Lauren and I were ready for the interview the night before it was even happening. I laid out some nicer cloths for myself and Lauren did too. And to be honest, from this whole plan I had no idea what I had to gain. Or Carrie or Lauren. I guess they thought there was some greater good by them doing this. We were helping Corey or whatever. We got in the limo to go to the show inside the city. We were already dressed and covered in makeup.
"Lauren why are we doing this?" I ask.
"Doing what?" She asked.
"Just making a fool of Katy?" I say.
"Because she's a rat. she's lying to Corey's face and making a fool out of him because he is too in love to see how she really is," she says.
"So how is this going to make him see?" I ask.
"When Katy breaks, Katherine comes back. when Katherine comes back, Katherine goes bye-bye," Lauren says and waves. Lauren has gone back to her devious stage. She would say it doesn't exist, but when she is purely angry, she washes all color out of her hair and changes it. Hello blondie good bye blunette. Only this time with a pink streak. "Laney?" She asked.
"What?" I ask realizing I zoned out and never answered.
"You're okay with that right?" She asks getting out of the car.
"I mean sure I guess but what if she's not bad?" I ask and get out and straighten out my black jeans. Lauren and I faces the cameras and signed autographs as we walking into the building. Lauren says our outfits are suppose to say something, but unless anyone asked me or her, I was pretty sure red high tops, black jeans with chains and belts, and a black crop top with a broken heart saying heartbreaker were gonna say anything to anyone. Or a flouncy white dress with pink and red hearts on it tied at the waist with a red ribbon paired with red high heels. We looked perfectly normal. As we walked behind set a woman walked up to us.
"I'm Miranda plazze!" She said and shook both of our hands quickly. "nice to meet you both! We are so glad to have you on our show! Lauren you are on first then Laney!" She says shoving headset microphones on our heads. "then we will have you both on at the end to talk about grojband! We go on in 5. They will give you cues when to come on just listen up," she says and walks off.
"And I thought you were peppy," I mumble beneath my breath.
"Never," Lauren says back.
"Roll with it," I shrug.

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