Meeting sweet little Katy

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Corey's pov

Katy was great. I've never had a better girlfriend. she understands me entirely and she isn't at all the bad parts of Lauren and Laney. She's just perfect. She had come to meet us in the groj.

Lauren's POV

She was here. The first thing I saw was the ugly piercing neon green tube top she was wearing i was going to die. no choice of fashion at all. It might be the worst thing I've ever seen. I was already biased towards her because she just had the worst fashion choice. Im looking out for Corey. If they got married and she picked out a neon green dress. oh lord no. it would have to be say yes to the dress and lord I would give that an ugly no. I don't know what I'm thinking how likely is it that that's going to happen? Not very.
"Hi im Katy," she said sweetly. trying to ignore the ugly fashion choice, i forced out a
"Hi im Lauren do you play?" I asked trying to change the subject pointing to the instruments.

Katy's POV

Well Lauren's dumb she's got that going for her. Of corse I play. Also it's kinda hard to take someone seriously when they have a smile glued on their face and their talking through it.
"Whose the drummer," i asked kindly. they all pointed at kon. "i challenge you to a duel," i said like a foolish ninja.
"I accept your challenge young knight," Kon said.

Lauren's POV

And the next thing we all knew is that there was a huge drum war going on. Honestly I didn't care about katy where's she from or anything. I found her really hard to take seriously. and all of it was kinda awkward. What do you do when some girl you don't know is sitting on your ex's lap and making out with him? And that's exactly what I texted Carrie. Corey didn't want us to like the Newmans. But I found him really hard to take seriously too. Carrie texted back.
Carrie:Ooh ouch even though it's Riffen come hang out?
Me: Can't sorry what I just mentioned is happening right before my eyes
Carrie:Later than Kay?
"Sooo," i said turning my eyes away from the clearly happy couple.
"What now?" Jenna asked finishing my sentence.

Laneys POV

I knew this girl wasn't what I thought she was. and I wasn't just saying that because she was with Corey. Ashe was someone I knew but she wasn't a katy. There was so much more i had to look at than just a girl stealing Corey from my grasp.

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