The great moment you have all been waiting for!

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Spoiler alert: I put that chapter title to piss people off. Lol nope Laney and Corey do not get back together in this chapter. Sorry. Not sorry. So enjoy this chapter filled with Kin and Kon. Just to piss you off. Unless of course you've been waiting for kin and Kon, than this is for you. Merry February 29th from your beloved author who goes by an undercover name. Although that is not my real name. *rambles on* //800 years later// now who's ready for a story?! Oh they're dead. Oopsies.
You're all probably sick of me so I'm gonna stop. Until next chapter when I can write an obnoxiously long authors note.

Kin's POV

You see, the way the band has been working since I was about 18, is that Lauren Laney and Corey cause drama, and while that drama takes place Kon Jenna and I do the fun stuff. We have actually kept a running list of how many cool things we did without Corey and them. However, that would take much too long to read. About an hour after band practice, everyone else in the band house left. We had been waiting for this day for a very long time. 2 and a half months to be exact. Seriously, Laney's been home all the time these days. (So has the author because she has no friends) We were gonna make so much food in the kitchen and enjoy the times.
"WHOS READY FOR A PARTYYYYY!" Kon asks running in with Jenna who's blasting music.

Laneys pov

I finally decided to go out and do something.  I realized even if I had told Core, he would just end up running back to crazy haired Lauren.  Which sucks. But at least she's real. Real crazy. I could hope. All I had to do now was walk around the mall and let people take pictures of me.

Kin's POV

//6 hours of cheese and ping pong later//

All of a sudden Laney walked in.
"Kin? Kon? Jenna?" She began to yell.
"She's scary when she's angry." Kon complains. Jenna sneaks off acting like she wasn't with us.
"GO TO BED!" Laney yells.
"Geez Laney who ruffled your butt cushions?" I asked.
"Can you turn the music off?" She asks.
I roll my eyes. "Fiiiiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnneeeeeeeee," I say and switch it off. "Have you see Corey or Lauren?" 
"Ugh no. I started to look for core but I have no idea where the hell he went. Lauren said she had a date so I didn't bother her." Laney mutters.
"Mhmm..." I think aloud. "Do you think there's a chanc--"
"No." Laney stops my train of thought.
"Mkay g'night then Laney," I say and wander off to bed.

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