Whatever do you mean?

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Laney's pov

After hearing what Lauren said, I was furious. Corey dumped me for some girl who didn't even like him. I wasn't sure weather to be mad at Corey or Katy, but I was mad at someone. My phone vibrated. A text.
Lauren- come over to my room
Me- ok
I walked over to Lauren's room even though she could have easily yelled for me. I saw Carrie and Lauren sitting on the ground waiting for me.
"We start today," Lauren says.
"Urm ok," I say and sit down.
"We need to find her breaking points. Once we destroy all of them she's toast and totally ruined," she says.
"But what are they?" I ask.
"That's what we need to know," Carrie says.
"The whole goal of her dating Corey is for her to get a better reputation and more popular so that's one," I say. Lauren turns around and writes in curvy script on the white board in a pink marker, reputation.
"There's more what else?" She asks. Carrie scrolls through pages on her phone.
"Her job," she says. and Lauren carefully writes, job.
"And, exactly what she's hiding," Lauren finishes and writes, secrets.
"Ok is that it?" I ask.
"For now," Carrie says. "But we might need to get on the inside for this,"
"First we hit reputation," Lauren says.
"We schedule an interview with who ever wants us on their show just me and you Laney. And considering Katy is all over the media with Corey right now, there's no way we can't totally destroy her and make up stories about her,"
"I like it," I say.

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