Totally in it

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Laney's pov

At that moment my phone rang. I picked it up.
"Hello Laney penn," I say.
"Hello this is Miranda plazze, calling to tell you we would be delighted to have you and Lauren Delany interviewed on Tuesday," she says.
"Oh thank you," I say.
"See you then," She says and hangs up. Since today was Sunday, we had two days. Lauren could get anyone to say anything so it would be easy. I'm sure Katy would have something to say to us afterwards though.
"Lauren we're up for the Miranda Plazze on Tuesday," I say.
"Great," she smirks.

Lauren's pov

After Carrie and Laney left my room I decided to go down stairs to get coffee. I walk into the kitchen and see Katy standing in the middle of it alone. Unless she talked to me, I wasn't going to say anything to her.
"Hey," she says to me as I go to grab a mug.
"Oh hey Katy," I say not wanting to.
"What's up?" She asks.
"oh nothing much," I say pouring the coffee. "what about you?"
"nothing really," she says as I add sugar and creamer.
"Ok great then why are you in my kitchen?" I ask sipping the coffee. She giggled. Like she was like 10, she giggled. Like seriously?
"Corey told me to wait here," she giggled.
"Oh," I say. "then you can help yourself to the drinks in the fridge," I say and walk off to the music room. I pick up the first electric guitar I find plug it into an amp and play a G7 as loud as I can. The room was mostly sound proof, so I screamed too. I didn't know how long I could keep up without tell Corey that she was a witch.

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