Chapter 7 : Lost and Found Memories

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"Hello Harry"

Harry turns his head to see Elena She looks stunning He thought "I'm so sorry about last time, I thought that this would be a good way to say sorry" She walks closer to him "I love the suit by the way" She compliments him and he blushes crimson "Oh why thank you, I should say the same thing about you" He smiles softly "I heard that you'll be leaving to chase your dreams, and I asked them if you could have the chance to get out of this place for a while, you know? Maybe even say goodbye?" His eye show sadness and guilt as Elena holds tight to her purse "Thank you for that"

"Anything for you"


Elena drove to the nearest park after a lovely dinner, everything was going according to plan. The night sky had many stars that sparkled throughout the whole time the two spent together. Harry was feeling a sense of deja vu, like this has happened but when did it happen? They stayed silent, both each to their own thoughts. Elena decided to break the silence

"How was your day?" She asks looking at Harry and he stutters a little "I-it was quite stressful, a young man came into my room with a dog and threatened to shoot it in front of me" He tells Elena and she chuckles "I've heard. Don't worry, we won't bother you anymore with our weird and dangerous shenanigans" She feels a cold breeze pass by "Gods it's cold, I can't believe I didn't bring a blazer" Harry takes notice of this immediately and takes his blazer off to give to Elena, he carefully wraps it around her and she stops and stares at him lovingly, she missed this, she can't believe that she gets to relive this moment "Harry" She puts a hand on his cheek and he leans into her warm touch "Yes?" He hums "Since you'll be leaving soon, I have something to confess" She realizes that he either goes to remember things again or he doesn't and leaves her again, this realization scares her "I'm… I'll miss you" She breathes out and they take their time to take in each others presence "Oh, fuck it" Harry says and goes in to capture her lips.

This action snaps something in Harry, a memory. He remembers every detail, the dinner with Valentine, his offer to go to the park, Elena ranting about being tired, her pulling him in for a kiss. He remembers.

They pull away "Elena, I'm sorry for leaving you" This confuses Elena a little but it clicks immediately, he's back "Harry it's okay"

"What about Valentine? He has these SIM cards that-" His worries wash away when she pulls him in for a short kiss "Don't worry, thats been dealt with" She smiles at him "I'm so happy you're back" She jumps and hugs him tight and he catches her hugging her back

"I'm happy to be back too"


Elena and Harry walk in the underground facility hand in hand, Elena explains to Harry as to why they were in Kentucky and also tells Harry that there will be a short debriefing in a bit "Welcome back Agent Galahad" Merlin greets "I suppose I should cancel that taxi?" Harry looks at Elena lovingly "Of course, if you don't mind"


Eggsy immediately gives Harry a hug "Oh how I've missed you" They pull away and Elena speaks up "How's things with Tilde? Is she ok?" She asks and Eggsy looks at her sadly "She's still ignoring me, I tried to get to her but she already left the hotel she was at" She gives him a pat on the shoulder "It'll be ok, don't worry" A man in a suit with a cowboy hat comes in "Well hello there, pretty lady, how are you" He immediately flirts with Elena "I'm terribly sorry, I'm not interested" She smiles politely "Yes, what she said" Harry stands protectively over Elena "Woah calm down, I get it" Elena rolls her eyes "Mama Bird, should we get on with the debriefing?" She goes to the barrel elevator and Merlin follows "You heard the woman, get your arses in here" Merlin says and the three go into the barrel.


"Now that you're all caught up, we have gifts" Elena announces and Eggsy brings out a watch "A brand new Kingsman watch. Advanced software, it can hack into anything with a microchip, it is the bollocks" He gives it to Harry and Elena goes next "I suggested it to Merlin, I thought you'd look more dashing with glasses" She brings out Kingsman glasses that were made specially for him, it covered his left eye with a black lense "Ah, thank you" Harry accepts the glasses and takes off his eye patch, Eggsy and Merlin grimace but Elena smiles at him softly, he carefully puts his glasses on "How do I look?"

"You look like some faggot looking for an eye fuckin'! Now why don't you get out of our bar before I take your other one" Elena glares at the man The lion, the witch and the audacity of this bitch! "Hey Manwhore! Shut the fuck up before I-"


Merlin holds her back before she does anything "You're lucky he's holding me back, you fucking dirt bag filled with shit" She grumbles as she sits back down "Now is that any way to welcome a visitor from out of town, moonshine?" Whiskey says and Elena looks at him with a suspicion "Okay, suck my southern dick bitch"

"That's it"

Elena goes to lunge at the man but Harry stops her "No worries dear, that won't be necessary, Good day sir" He stands up from his seat. The man turns to the others and says "What are you ladies waitin' for"

"Manners" Elena looks at Harry who was locking the door "Maketh" Jesus fucking Christ this man is dramatic "Man" Elena looks at Merlin who just shrugs "Do you know what that means?" Harry stares at the men who were gathered behind him through a mirror "Then let me teach you a lesson" He uses his umbrella to grab a nearby mug to hit the nearest man but misses and Whiskey catches the mug and Elena groans

"Oh for fucks sake"

「Triggers and Sparks 」 | Harry Hart x Character OC - Book 2Where stories live. Discover now