Chapter 4

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This may be my favorite chapter so far, I know I have only written three, but still, the ending of this chapter is my favorite.

2 hours later

Liam comes out of the hospital room, tears in his eyes.


Are you guys ok?


Yeah, we're fine.

So she finally believes you?

Liam nods

She told me that she needed time to process alone. I know I shouldn't leave her in there alone, but I don't want to fight her on it right now. If I had believed her sooner about Eva, maybe, just maybe, none of this would have happened.

Adam walks over to him and pats him on the back.


Hey, don't beat yourself up. All you can do now is be there for her.

Liam nods, the tears now streaming down his face.

A couple of minutes later, Blake and Kirby come rushing through the halls toad Fallons room.


Where is she?


She's ok. She's resting.


What took you guys so long?

Blake and Kirby look at eachother.


I dont want to talk about it. She's ok though?

Liam nods his head solemnly.

What's wrong.

Blake's face fills with worry and confusion.


She was Pregnant.

An expression of shock is shown on both Kirby and Blake's faces.


Wait, you're telling me that Fallon was pregnant. No, I dont believe it.


She didn't either, but she was.


Can I see her?


Not right now. She needs some rest.

Blake nods his head and goes and sits on a chair outside her room. Liam goes and sits next to him.


You guys didn't know, huh?

Liam nods, tears once again forming in his eyes.

Liam:( in a nervous and sad tone with voice trembling)

I...I don't know how to help her. Our relationship is so stretched thin right now. What if it's nothing by the end of this.


Hey, I have seen Fallon bring home alot of guys and get inengaged with alot of guys. "Liam looks up at him adn gives a slight chuckle" But I have never once seen Fallon look at them the way does for you, and one hundred percent never see her fight for any of them to stay with her. She loves you, and nothing will ever change that not weven losing a child.

Liam now has tears streaming down his face. Blake moves in to hug him.

Thank you.

After that, the two of them sit in silence and wait for the ok to be allowed back into the room.

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