chapter fifteen

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///OH MY GOD! 15.9k views! i cant believe it! it means so much to me that all of you like this story of mine, you don't even understand. so thank you all so much! i would love to get to know a few of you though so if you want to, please comment or comment on my page if you don't want everyone to see. you don't have to though if it makes you uncomfortable, i completely understand but i guess i would like to know a little about you guys. also if you want to know about me, just comment and ill be happy to answer. that's all i think, here's the next chapter. warning: this is mostly a 2p FrUk chapter though of course you will be in there! again though thank you so much and i love you all so much!!! ~Jem///

//3rd person POV//

Oliver nervously pace around his room thinking of the advents that have just passed.

~flash back to three days ago!~

Oliver walk out of your room and quietly close the door behind him. as he turns around he bump into someones chest.

"oh!" he say and looks up (being the shortest person in the house besides you.) to see Francis.

"oh, i-its you, Francis! d-do you need anything?" Oliver asks nervously.

lately he has had these weird feeling towards Francis. it all started the day after they lost you in the aquarium,when he walked in on you and him sleeping on the couch, nick Jr. was on the TV but was muted. Francis was laying on his back spread across the couch while you where laying on your stomach, on his chest, head just under his chin. He had his left arm under his head to act as a pillow while the other was protectively around you.

"hum? oh i was just going to bed." Francis says making Oliver return from his daydream. his eyes noticeably sadden and his heart hurts but he puts on a smile.

'of course he didn't want anything from me, don't be a git Oliver." Oliver thinks while saying.

"ok, well i wont keep you up then! goodnight Francis!"

"ya, night Oliver." Francis says back with a light blush on his face going unnoticed to Oliver who could no longer see his face because Francis had turned around and walked into his room. Oliver sighs and walks back to his room and falls asleep.

~flashback ends~

you and your brothers are outside of your dads room listening to him pace and mutter to himself. you three where trying to understand what he was saying but it was to quiet for you guys to figure out.

"what the hell is wrong with Oliver and Francis?" Matt says.

"what do you mean Francis? i thought the only Oliver was like this." Al says.

"do you think they like like each other like Matty like Matt?" You say. Matt blushes and trying to hide his face while Al smirks and ruffles your hair.

"you know kid i think you might be right." Matt says still not looking at you or Al.

"so what should we do?" you ask.

"you and i will handle Oliver while Matt gets Francis." Al says picking you up.

"what are we doing exactly?" Matt asks.

"we're setting them up on a date only they don't know that they're going on a date."

"and how is that going to work out?"

"well you just get Francis cleaned up for once and to the restaurant, i text you later on that, and me and (Y/N) here will get Oliver to go. got it."

Matt sighs but nods and goes over to Francis' room to get Francis ready.

"so Ally how are we going to get Oliver to go?" you ask.

"well you just have to convince him to come with us to the restaurant, can you do that?" Al says.

you nod and wiggle out of his grip. you go to Oliver's door and knock on it. you hear Al go into his room and close the door. when you knock the muttering and pacing stops and you hear footsteps come to the door and your dad opens it looking down at you.

"why hello there poppet, what can i do for you?" your dad asks with his ever present smile.

"can we go to a restaurant tonight?" you ask with puppy dog eyes.

"why would you want to go to a restaurant tonight?" he asks trying to resist your eyes.

"because father never let me go out and i always wanted to go to a fancy restaurant, and Al can drive so all you have to do is get ready." you say as you push your dad into his room and into his closet.

"well if this is what you want, cupcake i guess we can go." your dad says looking through his clothes. you cheer and run out of the room and into Al's.

unfortunately Matt was having a harder time trying to convince Francis to go and called for you.

"ya Matty?" you ask as you walk into your uncles room.

"can you please try and convince Francis to just go to the damn restaurant." Matt says sounding exhausted while your uncle was laying on his bed smoking.

"uncle Francis! no smoking!" you yell and run up to him, pulling the cigarette out of his mouth and stomping on it to make sure it was out. your uncle sighs at you.

"now come on, take a shower and dress nicely, and make sure there's no blood on it ok." you say pushing him into the bathroom that connects to his room.

"and if i don't?" he says stopping so you cant push him anymore.

"you will never see another cigarette or cigar ever again." you say with eminence sincerity. he stares at you in slight disbelief before going for the bathroom saying,

"we've taught you well (Y/N), maybe a little to well."

you just smile.

~time skip brought to you by clean Francis (idk)~

you wait on your uncles bed waiting for him to come out of the bathroom, clean and new clothes on. when he does, your eyes widen as you stare at him. you had went back to your room and changed into a fancy dark blue dress (look to the picture) with black dress shoes and your hair was held back by a black hair band with a cute bow on the side.

his beard was shaven slightly so it looked clean and neat, his clothes, a dark purple dress shirt (tucked in) and black dress pants with black dress shoes, wheren't wrinkled or stained and his hair looked soft and grease free. he looked good, you where sure to have a new dad now.

you smile up at him and say,

"you look great uncle Francis! daddy will love it!"

"Oliver is coming?" he says with a hint of nervousness in his voice that you didn't pick up.

"ya, you me and daddy." you say excitedly. "now lets go." reaching for his hand. he grabs it and you two walk down the stairs to see your dad on the couch waiting, wearing a baby blue dress shirt and light brown slacks with brown dress shoes and a light pink bow tie. when he looks up at you two his eyes widen and his world slows. he eyes grew wide and his cheeks dusted with light pink. he snapped out of his trance and smiled wide.

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