chapter ten

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///hay guys so here's the next chapter like i promised. i want to thank the people who helped me with my writers block. very helpful. also there will be the 1p's and i hope you guys like red velvet pancakes because it will be hinted. anyway ill just let you guys go so you can read. thank you so much for doing so. love you guys. ~Jem///

//3rd person POV//

you where having a pretty good time right now. sure you where in a boring meeting that your family ~had~ to go to and yes you where starting to get bored. at least all the arguing was entertaining. for now.

~30 long minutes latter~

Ok you weren't having fun any more. there arguing was now getting annoying and you had no idea what to color in your coloring book that your dad had just bought you. you look around the room blankly looking for your father. you soon spot his pink hair and outfit and walk up to him. you tug on his pants and he stops arguing with your uncle to look down at you.

"what is it poppet." he asks with a tired smile on his face.

"can i go to the bathroom?" you ask.

"sure sweetie. do you need help finding it?" he asks. you shake your head and leave the meeting room.

you weren't really leaving to go to the bathroom. before you came in you saw an ice cream stand and wanted to see if it was still there. fortunately for you your brother Al taught you how to pick pocket and you got $50 from your dads wallet without him knowing. (go you! also i know how to do that to so i decided to add it in there! oops.) you walk outside and to your joy you see its still there.

you walk up to it and the man running the stand looks down at you.

"hay little girl, what can i get you!" he says with fake enthusiasm but you let it slide. you want ice cream.

you smile and put on a cute face. "I'm not little sir! I'm six years old!" you say holding up six fingers. the man chuckles and says

"well I'm sorry miss i didn't realize how old you where!" he says smiling. you smile back.

"now what can i get you sweetie." he says. "can i get two scopes of (f/i/c/f) ((favorite ice cream flavor)) in a cone please sir!" you say enthusiastically. the man smiles and scopes out the ice cream for you.

"here you go kid." he says. "that will be $10 please." you nod and hand him a $50 bill. he gives you the change not asking how you go this much money. you smile and walk off. you walk around the park near the meeting hall when you see a large white bear.

'Kuma?' you think. you could have sworn Matt left him at home. and the looks different. he looks smaller and he didn't have his scar. you walk over to him.

"kuma?" you ask kneeling down to his height on the ground. yes he is definitely smaller.

"who are you?" Kuma asks.

"woah! since when have you talked kuma? and I'm (Y/N) remember?" you say getting a little sad.

"there you are kuma!" you hear a man say. you look up to see your brother Mattie but he looks different though that didn't cross your mind. what did cross your mind was that your family is going to now know you left without them and there going to get mad.

"Mattie! before you say anything and get mad i just want to say I'm sorry! please don't tell daddy i don't want to get in trouble! i just wanted some ice cream! I'm sorry!~" you yell starting to cry.

"wh-what are you talking about little girl?" that only made you cry more because you thought your family forgot about you and you didn't want to go back to your fathers house. he then picked you up and brought you over to three other people you recognized as your other brother dad and uncle. they looked different to. you weren't crying anymore and had finished your ice cream. when Mattie finally made it over to the rest of your family you noticed something wasn't right. your dads hair and clothes weren't pink and he was really angry. your uncles hair wasn't greasy and he wasn't smoking. and Al's hair was now blond and he didn't have his bat.

when everyone finally noticed you your uncle ran up and grabbed you in a hug.

"oh you are so cute! where did you come from?" he asked. you ignore his question and look at him with a puzzled look. "what is it?" he asks.

"uncle Francis? why are you acting weird? when did you do your hair? why aren't you smoking? why is Ally's hair blonde? wheres his bat? what happened to daddy what happened to his clothes and hair? why is Mattie being so nice? why is kuma talking? why are you acting to weird?" you finish off your rant starting to cry again.

your uncle looks shocked, they all do trying to connect the dots. finally your brother Al spoke up.

"woah kid whats up with you?" he says from behind your uncle.

"Ally." you sniff. "why aren't you calling me doll like you always do? why are you guys acting so weird? Uncle Francis you never hug me." you say trying to go to your dad. your uncle passes you to him and your dad holds you awkwardly. you look at him

"daddy why isn't your hair pink?" you ask. then everything clicked in there heads. you where talking about there 2nd parts! you look at them not knowing why they where looking at you so nervously.

"daddy? Ally? Mattie? Uncle Francis? why are you looking at me like that? I'm sorry i left the meeting without you telling me i could. i just wanted some ice cream. we can go back now. i promise i wont leave again." you say on the verge of tears yet again.

"look, kid. I'm not your dad. I'm, um, his first part. its really hard to explain. how about we just get you to your family." Arthur says nervous to see his 2p. they all where but they didn't want to spend any more time with you. not because you where bad but because they didn't want to upset there 2ps. you nod not fully understanding the concept but trusted them because they looked so much like your family.

fortunately they didn't get far because as it turns out your family was looking for you everywhere. even your uncle.

"Poppet! where have you been we have been worried sick trying to find you!" you dad yells. running to you. you get out of Arthur's grip and run up to him yelling "Daddy!" he scopes you up and hug's you tight.

"i see you have meet our 1ps sugar. did they do anything to you?" he asked his eyes swirling looking at Arthur but talking to you.

you giggle causing the 1ps to look at you and your dad nervously. "of course not daddy. they where really nice especially Mattie." you say seeing him blush at the comment and attention. he wasn't use to it. you then notice he was blushing not at the complement but at something else. or should i say someone else. you turn to see what he was looking away from to find your brother having a slight blush and looking to his left away from everyone. you smile knowing what was going on. you ask to be held by mattie and your father hands you over to your brother.

you whisper something in his ear, "..."

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