Chapter two

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Not moments after you left did you hear footsteps behind you. You made the mistake of turning around. There you saw your drunk father holding a beer bottle in hand. Your eyes widened and you ran faster tears threatened to spill from your eyes at the thought of the beating you would get if he caught you. After running for another 30 minutes you turned around once again to see him still running after you.

'Why is he still running after me?' You thought to yourself. Before you could turn back to face forward you ran into something, or someone for that matter. You heard your fathers footsteps and without thinking you went and ran behind the persons legs to hide.

//Oliver's POV//

I was taking a walk outside when I heard running footsteps but I didn't think anything of it. Not moments later something ran into my legs but before I could look down to see what, it ran behind my legs. When I turned around to see it I saw a little girl with (h/c) hair and (s/c) skin. I picked her up and placed her on my hip. When I turned around I saw the footsteps belonged to a drunk man with a beer bottle in hand. I felt the girl tense and her arms rap around my neck like she was scared. She looked no older then 5 or 6. I knew this man was no good. I looked back and saw he was now in front of us breathing heavily just like the little girl.

"Would you be ever so kind as to give me her?" I was discussed he talked about the little poppet as though she where an animal.

I ignored him and looked at the girl.

"What's your name poppet?" I asked her.

"(Y/n)" she stuttered. I nodded and asked if speaking would get her in trouble. I then asked if he had hurt her because I could now see the bruises forming on her face. She looked at the man and he gave her a hard glare. She shock her head now and shrunk into my chest.

"It's ok, I won't let him hurt you anymore." With that she nods.

"Why you little brat!" The man yells and tries to get to her. I moved out of the way and he fell to the ground. He quickly got back up and looked at me.

"Your not getting her back sir." He gave me a look of surprise. I gave him a stern look back showing I wasn't giving up.

//3rd person POV//

You where shocked. You had never seen anyone stand up to your father, especially someone who looked like him. I mean he was wearing all pick minus his baby blue bow tie. You still didn't trust him but he seemed like he wouldn't hurt you. You held onto his neck a little tighter and buried your face into his chest. You where getting tired from the lack of food and the running. He bounced you on his hip a little to keep you up a little longer.

//Oliver's POV//

I bounced her on my hip because she looked like she was about to fall asleep and I still wanted to ask if she would like to come home with me.

"Sir I think you should leave or else you will regret it." This seemed to have gotten to him.

"This isn't over blonie." I rolled my eyes and we watch him turn around and storm to his house. I look at (y/n) to find her in a deep sleep and it wasn't even dinner yet. I had to refrain myself from squealing from how cute she was while sleeping. She seemed so adorable.

'I can't wait for everyone to meet the little poppet!' I think and skip home with (y/n) in my arms.

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