Sort of maybe a chapter?

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///Hi guys I'm sorry I haven't been posting much and it's big brakes in between chapters. I'm not trying to make excuses but my anxiety and depression have been getting really bad so I don't have a lot of energy and I don't have much motivation but once I get better I promise I will update. Also I will be starting a new story as well and this is going to be the first or second chapter so tell me what you think. Thank you guys so much for voting, commenting and for so many views it means so much and when I see them it's makes me feel a lot better.///

Chapter one
///here are the states human name
-Delaware: Miles Dover Jones
-Pennsylvania: Luca Harrisburg Jones
-New Jersey: Ryan Trenton Jones
-Georgia: mason Atlanta Jones
-Connecticut: Liam Hartford Jones
-Massachusetts: Will Boston Jones
-Maryland: James Annapolis Jones
-South Carolina: Nick Columbia Jones
-New Hampshire: Ethan Concord Jones
-Virginia: John Richmond Jones
-New York: Jamie Albany Jones
-North Carolina: Noah Raleigh Jones
-Rhode Island: Jacob Providence Jones///

The sound of a military trumpet played waking up thirteen teenagers, or states I should say. One even fell out of bed making a loud thump. Slowly all of the states walked out of there rooms, clad in pajamas and some complaining while the rest where too tired to complain. Soon one by one all the states sat down at a large table with America at the head smiling.
"Morning everyone! I've got some news but I think I'll tell you when you are all awake." America yells.
He was answered by a chorus of sleepy moans. Soon enough though they where all awake and eating there breakfast.
"So what is it pops?" The personification of Virginia asks.
"Ya what is it!" Massachusetts says with his think accent.
"Would you quiet down damn it." New York, the only female in the original thirteen says with a snarl and New York accent so think that the southern states had trouble understanding her sometimes.
"It's to early to hear you yelling like an idiot."
"I'd say I'd fight you but your just a girl." Massachusetts says knowing how to push her buttons. New Jersey and New Hampshire had to hold her down from lunching herself into her older brother.
"So what where you saying?" North and South Carolina say at the same time with think southern accents. Not even glancing at New York and Massachusetts fight. It was normal for them.
"Ya what was it?" Georgia says with the same thick southern drawl as the Carolina twins.
"Oh right. Well you all know that there are other nations right?"America said.
They all nod, NY and Massachusetts had now stopped fighting and where paying attention.
"Well duh, we have like 6 uncles." Said Pennsylvania.
"Ya we've met all the allies, and you bring uncle Denny (Denmark) and uncle Gil (Prussia) over all the time." Virginia says.
"Ya and uncle Mattie (Canada) borders me so I see him all the time!" New York says.
"And did you forget the revolutionary war?"
"And how uncle Francis (France) use to take care of Louisiana."
"Ok ok I get it you've met some of the nations but I'm going to be having a lot over soon so they can see America and I wanted to tell you because your all going to share rooms until they leave."
"What!" They all said.
"I'm with NY and NJ!" Yells New Hampshire and the same time as NC SC and Georgia grab each other's hands.
Delaware Virginia and Maryland look at each other and nod.
"I guess it's the four of us then." Pennsylvania said to Rhode Island, Massachusetts and Connecticut.
"Guess so." "Seems like it." "I ain't complaining." The three say at once.
"Alright that's great with the guest rooms and the rest of yours I think we might have enough room." America said with a smile.
"Alright I guess we should start to pack our stuff." Delaware suggested. The rest nod and walk upstairs to pack and move into one of there siblings room.
'Hope this goes well...' America thinks.

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