Chapter seven

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///so sorry, this might be short because I'm literally writing this at 2:30 in the morning. I was planing on writing it tomorrow morning but I couldn't sleep so I'm writing this. Warning there will be cursing and I'm sorry if it's shorter then usual. -JJ///
//3rd person POV//
"What is it." You asked naively.
"Well you see poppet were all, um, how you say... Um" Oliver stuttered not sure how to tell you that your new family was a bunch of murderers. He took a deep breath and looked at the floor.
"Cupcake do you love us, do you want to be part of this family?" He asked you. You looked at him and nodded.
"Well you see cupcake me and your uncle where out doing something, and I don't know how you will react because I don't want you to leave us." He said tearing up and still looking at the floor. You crawled put of the bed and hugged his leg.
"I promise I won't leave daddy I love you!" You smiled and looked up at him. He sniffles and looks down at you and smiles.
"That's good to hear." He said and picks you up. "You see poppet I don't know how else to put this but me and uncle Francis where out, um, we where out k-killing bad people." You tilted your head.
"Well if they where bad people then it's ok daddy I'm not mad!" You said and hugged his neck. He seemed shocked at your answer. Your brothers too but you didn't notice. You let go of your dad and looked at him.
"Daddy I'm hungry can I have some breakfast?" You asked.
"Sure sweetie." You dad said and lead you to the kitchen. "What would you like?" He asked placing you on the counter.
"Waffles!" Matt looked at you weirdly.
"What about pancakes?" Matt asked you. You nod your head no and said "waffles" again. He looked at you weirdly again.
"Do you not like pancakes?"
"It not that Mattie it just that waffles are better!" You say with a smile and liking the new nickname you gave your brother. (Sorry for anyone who thinks differently.) Matt looked at you like you grew another head while Al started to laugh.
"Don't laugh you ass! And pancakes are way better (y/n)." He said to you.
"Matt swear jar now!" Oliver said holding out the jar. You looked in astonishment as Matt put some change in the already money filled jar. 'Where can I get one!' You thought.
"No there not, waffles are better." You say to Matt once again. Soon you and Matt where having a heated argument about wether pancakes or waffles wear better.
"Fine I'll prove it to you!" He said and took out everything he needed to make pancakes. You looked as him make everything. Soon he was done and handed you three fluffy pancakes. You looked at it skeptically but took a bit anyway. They. Where. Good! You didn't show it though. Sure they where good but you still liked waffles better, and that's exactly what you told him. He looked at you with pure shock. You stared at him while eating the pancakes. You could hear Al laughing from the living room.
"Would you shut the fuck up Al!" Matt yelled at him.
"Fucking make me!" He yelled back while still laughing.
"Al! Matt! Swear jar now!" He yelled at your brothers from the dining room. You again saw them comply and put change or a dollar in said swear jar. When you where done with your pancakes you went over to your dad and asked where you could get one.
"Oh he'll no! I'm not having a mini Oliver walking around with another damed swear jar!" Al yelled. Before your dad could say anything you grabbed the jar and pointed it up to him.
"Bad Ally, swear jar!" You said. You heard Matt laugh at Als nickname and saw him glare at you before sighing at shoving movie in the jar once again.
"Can I keep this daddy?" You asked Oliver while looking in the jar trying to count how much was in it.
"Sure poppet! I'll myself a new one Monday!" You nod still trying to count the money every once in a while turning the jar to see a different side.
"Hay daddy do I still have to go to school? The kids there are mean to me." You said looking away from the jar and at your dad.
"Nah, we'll teach you everything you need to know squirt." Your uncle said showing up out of no where and ruffling your hair.
"Really?!" You and your dad say together.
"Ya why not plus none of us can driving her there or picking her up." Your uncle said logically.
"Well I guess your right. We can't be to bad can we?" Your dad said thinking it through. Al comes and picks you up and says. "Ya we can be her teachers!" You giggle at his enthusiasm.
"Ok then I guess your homeschooled now (y/n)." Your dad said still not truly convinced.

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