Chapter five

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///i know in most fanfiction a you'll find the 2p allies and 2p axis fight but tfor this one I'm just going to make it so they tolerate each other for future purposes. Also I will be posting the next chapter 2nd because I will be sleeping over at a friends house the 30th through the 1rst for Halloween. I'm so sorry but I don't want to lug around my costume clothes laptop phone costume makeup ect. Along with my iPad. (My computer won't let me post for some reason) again so sorry and I promise I will post early in the second and thank you for reading.///

//3rd person POV//

With a sigh he said "I guess but your taking care of it Oliver." And rubbed the bridge of his nose. Oliver squealed and picked you up. He twirled you in a circle. You giggled at his actions and that made him squeal more at how cute you where. When he put you down you tried to gain your footing but couldn't and landed on your butt. To you the world was still spinning me couldn't tell who picked you up. When everything cleared you saw it was none other then Francis himself. It confused you, didn't he not like you all that much.

"You ok kid?" He asked. You nod holding your head.

"Thank you Mr.Francis for letting me stay here." You told him looking at his lips like you usually and noticed a cigaret in his lips. You pluck it from his lips and throw it to the ground. In the background you hear Al and Matt trying not to laugh and Oliver squealing once more.

"Hay! What did you do that for?" He asked

"Hay is for horses." You replied innocently. Al and Matt didn't even try to contain there laughter and everyone was laughing except France but you could see he was fighting a smile. When everything died down he asked you again why you threw his cigarette away.

"Because it's bad for you Mr.Francis." Oliver picks you up and snuggles to you.

"Oh are you worried about your new uncle?"

"Uncle, you mean Mr.Francis?"

"That's right sweetie he is your new uncle, I'm your new daddy and Matt and Al are your big brothers."

"Daddy!" You squeal and hug Oliver. His large smile grew and he hugged you back.

"Hay your going to kill her like that if you keep it up Oliver." Al said while Matt took you from Oliver's grip. Your new dad put his hand over his heart exaggeratedly "why I would never to my little poppet." You giggle at his antics but start to cough because of the effects of your neglect. Matt held you closer but didn't know what to do.

"Oh my i didn't notice until now that you are in need of some new clothes poppet!" Oliver said and held his hands to his cheeks while you looked down. You where still in your school clothes but they where now torn.

"I don't want to cause any trouble though daddy." You said.

"Oh it won't be any trouble at all cupcake." He said and took you back from Matt.

"If your sure." You say and look down at the floor.

"Yay we get to go shopping to get (y/n) pretty dresses come on everyone." Oliver users everyone into a car and drives to the mall.

-time skip brought to you by Oliver's cupcakes (warning don't eat)-

You guys finally made it to the mall. On the way there Matt attempted to brush your hair a little and Al gave you his bomber jacket. (Yes he did that and yes he is now very protective) Oliver thought you where just the cutest seeing the sleeves where way to big and the jacket just barely didn't hit the floor. You walked in and everyone gave you nervous looks, some of the lady held there children closer when they saw you. Oliver ether didn't notice or didn't care because he had a smile and was skipping around looking for a shop to go to for you. Al and Matt straight up ignored then and didn't care and Francis glared at everyone. You just held onto one of each of your brothers hands. So you where in the middle while you held onto Matt's left hand ands Al's right.

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