chapter eight

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///First off i would like to apologize. i am so so so sorry. wattpad hadn't been working for me lately and it was killing be and i was so upset you guys would get mad and me and I'm just SO sorry! well ill get going with the next chapter you all have been asking and waiting for. again so sorry! -JJ///

//3rd person POV//

You where sitting in the living room playing with the tuffs of fur on Kuma's back. you giggle as you braid it to the best of your abilities, though when you let go it would fall out and they where never very long. you sat there for a while thinking of who's hair you could braid. 

'not Ally or daddy there hair is to short.' you thought. 'and Matty is out right now doing something.' as you continued to ponder what to braid your uncle Francis walked into the living room and sat down next to you. 

"hay kid." he said and lit a cigarette. you wwrinkled your nose at the smell but didn't say anything. "hi uncle Francis." you say still thinking hard on who's or whats hair to braid. you look up to him and see his hair was pretty long. it just reached to his shoulders in a greasy, messy way that you only saw on your uncle. it wasn't as long as Matt's but it would do. if he said yes.

"hay uncle Francis can i braid your hair?" you ask. you where immediately turned down by a no as he turned on the TV. you pout and think of something else to do. then something came to you. Pranks. you giggle but stop when you remember your uncle was in there with you. 

"what?" he asks. you play it cool and say "i was just thinking about how Mattie's hair is about as long as a girls." he smirks and believes you. you leave the living room and run up into yours. you shut and lock the door.

'this is going to be fun.' you thought to yourself and brainstormed for ideas. 

~time skip brought to you by Mattie's girl hair~

it had been about a week since you thought of pranking your new family and it was the slowest week ever. though well worth it. 

'first uncle Francis.' you thought. 'you should have just let me braid your hair.'

you walked into the kitchen with a tube of tube paste and went for the Oreo package and mayo. you grabbed a knife and a plate as well. you took out seven cookies and opened six of them saving one for you. you then took the knife and took all the stuffing out and ate it. you then filled half with toothpaste and half with mayo. you smirked and walked into the dinning room where your uncle was reading the paper. you knew he wouldn't turn down the cookies because he was the main reason you guys bought them. you took the smirk off your face and walked in, sitting next to your uncle and placing the cookies in between you two. as you munched on the unaffected one you handed him a random one and asked if he wanted it. he didn't even look when he took it. he bit into it only to spit it out immediately.

"what the fuck (y/n)! whats in this?" he asks furiously. you played Innocent and tilted your head to the side and asked what he meant. he bought you and blamed it on either Al or Matt. you suppressed a giggle and got ready for the next prank. 

~another time skip brought to you by the future girlish screams of Matt and Al.~

you had just set up the next prank. this what for Al or Matt seeing they shared a bathroom. who ever went in there first was going to get the scare of there life. 

you had gotten a manikin head and put it on stacked books and such covered in a cloth identical to the walls. on the head was a long strait black haired wig and you rigged the eyes to glow red. this would be to funny.

you heard the door open and Al's voice downstairs. you ran out and went downstairs to great your victim. 

"ALLY! your home!" you squealed and ran up to him. he chuckled and picked you up. "hello doll how are you?" he asked.

"I'm good!" you say and up at him as he puts you down. "why did you put me down?" you asked with a pout. 

"sorry squirt but i gotta go." he said and headed upstairs for him bathroom.

soon you heard a girly scream and running foot steps. you acted surprised and scared as he ran to you. he looked like he was about to cry and was clinging to you. you asked what was wrong. he explained what happened and you went upstairs much to his protest. you went into the bathroom knowing full well it was fake. you went back out and told your brother it was a fake head. he blamed Matt.

~time skip once more I'm sorry.~

"hay Ally since your upset how about we make candy apples to get your mind off of it we have every thing we need, i checked." you said.

this was the start to your next prank. you where going to make real candy apples with Al and then when Matt got home you would switch them for caramel covered onions and give it to him. when he asks why there onions you will say that they where apples when you and Al made them efficiently freeing yourself from harm and pinning it on someone else.

'perfect.' you thought. when you two where done Al said he had to leave. you nodded in understanding and waited until you couldn't hear his car anymore. when you couldn't you swapped the apples for the onions. you laugh and wait for your other brother to come home. when he did you proudly showed off what you did. he picked one up and bit into it. he spit it out and yelled "what the hell?!" you looked like you where about to cry and acts why the apples where so bad. "its not that (y/n) it just that there onions not apples." he said you stopped your 'crying' and looked at him. "but when me and Al made them they where apples." you said. this got him to believe Al pranked him and boy was he pissed.

~last time skip i promise.~

this was your last prank and it was the funniest. you where going to take the Windex bottle and empty it out and wash it. when you where done you where going to fill it with Gatorade and walk around the house drinking it until someone noticed. that's just what you did and you gave your dad a heart attack. 

you where walking aimlessly drinking the Gatorade when you heard a cup fall to the ground and shatter. you turn around still drinking the Gatorade to find your father staring at you with terror.

"(Y/N)!!!!! WHAT ARE YOU DOING YOU CANT DRINK THAT!" he screamed. "but its good" you say calmly and drink more. he fainted. you giggle and leave him a note saying it was Gatorade and went to bed.

'best. day. ever.' you thought and went to sleep.

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