"You.." I say quietly
He sits there shocked. I knew this would be bad. I wait a few moments to see if he wild say anything but I get nothing. Tears form in my eyes and I get up to run. Before I can even start running he grabs my arms and now IM the one in shock. I feel warm soft lips crash onto mine. It's takes me about 6 seconds to realize what's happening and I kiss back. After about a minute he pulls back.
"Me too." Wait, he likes me back?!
"You like me too?" I ask confused.
"Um...I kissed you didn't i?" He says laughing. I hug him tightly. Oh how I never want to leave his arms. The sun is fully down and its dark out so we decide to head back to campus. We get into the car and connor immediately grabs my hand and holds it. I get that same little tingling feeling and chills up my spine. The things this boy does to me.We finally arrive to campus and Connor parks. We get out and walk towards the building slowly because we don't want to leave each other. We don't have school tomorrow since it's a teachers in service day.
"Jen?" He asks
"Connor?" I ask
"Will you stay with me tonight?" He asks
"Of course." I sayWe get into the building and walk to his dorm. We decide to watch a movie and eat junk food. We decide to watch the Hunger games: Catching Fire since we are OBSESSED with the series. We're at the part where Katniss has a nightmare and Peeta rushes in.
"Connor?" I ask
"Will you stay with me?" I say copying the movie
"Always." He says. We laugh and continue the movie.We are now at the part where Katniss and Peeta are in the arena and they are on the beach. Oh how I love this part. When they kiss, connor covers my eyes
"Nothing to see here! I know you like Peeta, so I know it hurts." He says.
"I don't like Peeta, I love Peeta!" I say FANGIRLING of course.
"Weirdo" he mumbles.
"Heard that." I say
"You were meant to." He says. Yeah Whatever.We finish the movie and decide to go to sleep. He throws me a pair of jinny loose pants and a sweater. I love his clothes they are so soft! I get dressed and walk out to him.
"Do I sleep on the other bed or?" I ask
"Uh bitch your with me!" He says and I laugh. I lay down and he cuddles me up with his arm tightly around my waist and his head in my neck."Goodnight Jen." He says and pecks my neck.
"Goodnight Connor." I say and immediately fall asleep...Hey!! Sorry such a short chapter I tried my best. I hope you like it. Please favorite and follow! Updating everyday! Thanks xxxx

Frantastic Lovers
Teen FictionWhile starting college, Jennifer decides the best thing to do first is to make some new friends. She meets two girls names Haily and Jessica. She's meets someone else, someone she never expected to be friends with. Connor Franta. They become AMAZING...