I'm super excited to see where Connor is taking me. Wait! What do I wear?! Ugh! Okay I'll jut go with something casual but classy. I put on a white long sleeve shirt with black stretchy pants, with white flats. I curl my hair to beach waves and apply minimal amount of make up. I think this is pretty classy but comfortable. I grab my phone and white cross body purse and head out the door. Jessica is hanging out with this new Haily girl. She's seems pretty nice. I head to Connors dorm to find it open. Huh? I knock and walk in to see Connor sitting on his phone with coffee. Of Course. He turns around and I'm greeted with a smile.
"Hey! You ready?" He asks
"Hey! And yup lets get this show on the road!" I say in the weirdest voice I have ever heard come out of my mouth. He bursts out laughing and we walk to his car. Why am I so nervous?! I think I like him a bit too much. Ugh stop thinking Jen and just enjoy it.We get into his car and he starts driving. I turn on the radio to hear You and I from One Direction. Why is One Direction always on the radio when we are together. I don't care it's funny!
We sing it together which just sends butterfly's into my stomach. I don't know why.We arrive at a restaurant. Not just any restaurant but this fancy restaurant. Now I kinda regret wearing this. Everyone I see entering, are wearing dresses or skirts...then there's me...
"Connor?" I ask
"Jen?" He says mocking me
"You could of told me we were going here because I would of worn a dress." I say laughing while we get out of the car.
"I wanted it to be a surprise. Besides you look beautiful just like this." He says. I blush but I tried to hide it.We walk into the restaurant and all I have to say is "whoa." I mean this place this amazing. The main colors are purple in white with fancy flowers every wear. Connor did a good job.
"Reservations for Franta." Connor says
The woman leads us to our table. It has a whole white cloth covering it, with dark purple designs with green and purple flowers in the middle. Why did he take to me to the fanciest restaurant in town? I like it but it's kinda weird for Friends. Me saying that in my head makes me cringe.We order our food and talk about anything and everything! I love our convos together.
"So Jen," Connor says.
"Connor." I say
"When we're done want to go somewhere else?" He asks
"Heck yeah!" I say and I truly mean it.We finish our meal and it was DELICIOUS. I haven't had a meal that good in a while. He pays for it and I tip them and we leave. We get into the car and I just watch out the window the whole ride.
We finally stop and I notice were next to a field and a beautiful lake. And the best part is the sun is going down.
"Jen...want to watch the sunset?" He asks
"Uh like I have a choice." I say sarcastically. We laugh and get out of the car. He takes out a blanket and we both sit on it. We talk until we notice it is starting. It's so peaceful with the lake and the sunset is wonderful! I love this so much! I wish we could do it more often. I just wish he knew how I felt. Maybe he feels the same."So who do you like?" He asks. Oh no.
"Uh..." I don't know what to say.
"Come on you can tell me. You trust me...right?" He asks
"Yeah I do...but I just can't." I say
"Why not?" He argues back
"Because I don't know what I feel." I say
"Well then tell me." He says
"If I tell you it can ruin our relationship." I say
"No it won't."
"Trust me if you knew. You know it would." I say quietly.
"Please...trust me.." He says staring in my eyes. It's time. I breath in and say."You."
Hey!! Ooooh cliff hanger! You'll just have to wait till next chapter! Thank you for reading and supporting it means a lot! Please favorite and follow! Also comment your suggests and ideas! Thanks xxxxx

Frantastic Lovers
Teen FictionWhile starting college, Jennifer decides the best thing to do first is to make some new friends. She meets two girls names Haily and Jessica. She's meets someone else, someone she never expected to be friends with. Connor Franta. They become AMAZING...