I'm only slightly dead

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A/N: Well I'm fucked

Sorry I didn't post

I was in the ER because I wouldn't calm down and my breathing was off but it's fine

They gave me a pill and put something in my arm to calm me down

I threw up 3 times

So sorry I didn't post
I'm sorry if I scared any of you guys

Also Kermitooo, I was gonna talk to you but at school I had a panic attack and I was wanting t off myself so I told the school councilor and then my parents screamed at me that I was just saying bullshit and that I was a liar and took away my phon efor having to stay home

Then before my parents took my to the ER they said that I was just acting out for attention and just putting on a show

So how are you guys?

Bird bitch and UwU pony reunited🥵🥵🥵🥺🥺🥺😩😩😩😩🤤🤤🤤😈😈Where stories live. Discover now