Kermitooo's Army😤😤😤😤😤😤😤😤🔪🔪🔪🧨💣⚔️⚔️⚔️

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A/N: My mother wasn't even fucking trying to hid the fact that she finds me useless, she straight up told my I was a selfish useless brat that doesn't care about anyone, like man at this point I hope the school will call CPS on my parents again because they just are treating me like shit,

Also I hope you all are doing well, I am actually trying to update more but my body just feels incredibly weak and I'm still very sick and the doctor doesn't know what's wrong and the medication I was prescribed only helps a little so I'm sorry and I do actually write regular stories so if you want me to write something you can just ask, I don't mind :D

Kermitooo and Twighvrvajsvsbvacavsvsbajalight had started to search for people to help but they had to be careful......

Cause the people might try and steal Kar Jacobs from themselves and we can't have that no sir😥😥

They already had Harry Styles and the rest of One Direction but who else could help🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔

But out of no where a beam of light rained down right In front of them revealing.
The one
The only

KEVIN FROM HOME ALONE😧😧😧😧😧😧😧😧😱😱😱😨😨😨😰😰😰😰

Stories of his strength and the way he killed one thousand people was a thing everyone in the universe was aware of.......

The best thing was that he only saw Karl Jacobs as a role model😤😤😤

" welcome to the team young one🤯🤯" said Kermitooo as they realize they would need at least two more people then from the beam of light it called for five people...

BROWN M&M😍😍😧😧🍫🟤
GREEN M&M😍😍😧😧🍫🟢
And finally.......

THE PINK POWER RANGEr😨😨😱😱😱😱😱😱🤯🤯🤯😵😵😵😵😵😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈

" Now this is a team😈😈😈😈" said twighsbshabalight


Bird bitch and UwU pony reunited🥵🥵🥵🥺🥺🥺😩😩😩😩🤤🤤🤤😈😈Where stories live. Discover now