Quick rant😍😍😍😌😍

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Do you ever have the urge to just full on go out on someone cause of how wrong they are??

Like I swear, yes there are some dsmp members who have done bad stuff and should still be held accountable for them just cause of how bad the thing was or cause they didn't even apologize, I myself don't like some of them but not all of them are bad?? Like cause if we went off of them interacting with the bad ones the practically everyone would be bad! And if you want me to make a list of the people that interact with the dsmp then I'll gladly do it, cause you know what?? I'm not going to go off on antis cause unless they did something terrible, then I'm just gonna block them, Don't like a content creator, don't interact with them or block them! Don't like their fans as well? Click uninterested!! It is so easy cause unless someone did something that was truly terrible, then just ignore and block them!!

Like (sorry jshlactt fans, skip this part if you don't want to hear it! Sorry!) jshlactt, he has done a lot of bad things and he has never apologize and should still be being held accountable! Also if he did apologize /but I'm pretty sure he didn't/ then send me the link to see it plz!

But situations like when people found out Karl Jacobs USED TO be a fan of ice possiden (did I spell that right?) and like I said USED TO!! And canceled him over it?? Like no the main focus should have been canceling ice possiden but instead you decided to get mad at Karl cause he used to watch him when do you know how many people have probably been of fan of the guy before?? I was never a fan of him but I think I watched one of his videos before, plus! Karl APOLOGIZED and it was a really good and sincere one as well

I understand why a lot of people don't like tommyinnit but personally, I find him entertaining and have forgiven him for the things he has done mostly because I've seen a lot of the people that he could have affected accept his apology and say they have forgiven him but I feel like tommy is more of a if you do forgive him you do or if you don't, you don't, kinda situation but I think a reason of why I have forgiven him more is because Ranboo (no hate towards him) has also before made lesbian jokes and was forgiven pretty easily and his apology was accepted so I think that's why I forgiven Tommy more I think

If you wanna debate then please be respectful cause I don't want to cause any harm towards anyone, and if you need to talk, I'm here and will try my hardest

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 28, 2022 ⏰

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