Chapter 6

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Hope's POV:

I don't know what to say. Lucas ran into are mothers arms. Is it bad that I'm not happy to see her. I took one look at her and ran out the door. I ran as fast as I could to my dad's house. "Dad," I yelled as I ran into the house. He walked out of the kitchen. "Yeah." I ran towards him wrapping my arms around him. "Whats wrong," he asked as I cryed into his chest. "Its my mom," I cried. "What about her," Calum asked. I stepped away from him and looked up to him. "She's back dad." His eyes went wide and his mouth formed into a smile. He then looked at me. "Ok honey your mom is really nice. She loves you. I say we go talk to her. Maybe even have her over for dinner and you can get to know her," he said. I nodded. "Ok well lets go," he said grabbing his keys and heading towards the door. I followed and we left.

Mariana's Pov:

"So whats your favorite color," Lucas asked me. "My favorite color is aqua. Whats your?" "Pink, Well more of a hot pink," he answered, "Do you have a husband or boyfriend," he asked. "No. Im single. You," I asked with a smile. He looked nervous but answered," No im single." Then Hope walked through the door with Calum. He smiled at me and walked over to me giving me a hug. I then saw Hope standing behind him. "Hey," I said smiling at her. "Hey," she said back. She walked towards me and gave me a hug. "So umm do you like dogs," she asked nervously. "Yeah I love animals. Do you?" "Yeah I love animals," she smiled. "Maybe we can go get one," I smiled. She smiled bigger running over and hugging me. "Hey Mari can we talk," Calum asked. "Uh yeah," I said. He walked out the front door and I followed. He shut the front door and turned towards me. "I love you Mariana." I sighed. "I love you too Cal but as a friend. I don't want to be with you. And I don't think I am ever gonna date again. I loved Luke. And im never gonna see him again," I cryed. This was it I as telling Calum all of my feelings, "Im never gonna see him in heaven becuase I can't die. And even if I did im probaly not going to heaven. I killed people. I had no reason. And I still love Kian. But I don't want to hurt Luke by getting back with Kian. And its been 4 years so he probaly got over me. And then I love Michael too. I doubt you wanna hear this though. I just miss being with both of them. Just laying with them and cuddling. Running my fingers through there hair and just nuzzling into there warm chest." I started crying more. "Shhh don't cry," he said wrapping me in his arms, "Hey why don't we go see Michael. He happens to still be single." I looked up at Calum and nodded slowly. "Hope was wondering if you wanted to come over for dinner tonnight. I can invite Michael," he smiled. "Yeah I would love too," I said wiping away my tears. He gave me one more hug and we walked back into the house. "Hope. We gotta go. Get Lucas," Calum said. Hope took off to get Lucas. They soon came back and we left. Calum's house was to far so we walked. We arrived at the house. Lucas and Hope took off upstairs. "So Lucas lives with you too?" "Yeah. I couldn't seperate them," Calum said. "Umm there is a guest bedroom here if you want to live here. Unless you want to take the kids and live at your place. But just to say Michael lives there. He is in really bad shape," Calum said looking down at his shoes. "Calum I can't take them away from you. But I do want to live at home. So sense I live right across the street I will live there you take the kids. And if you need me to take them just drop them off. Unless you want me to stay here," I said. He looked up at me. "Mariana im not gonna make you live here unless you want too. And yeah I love them. It would hurt not to have them every day. But there your kids." He looked sad. There was a knock on the door. Thank the lord. Saved by the bell. Calum went to get it. Then in walked Michael. He had a scurfy beard. Obviously he hasn't shaved in awhile. He looked at me and his eyes went wide. I felt a tear slip down my cheek. He walked over to me and wiped the tear away. He then hugged me tightly. "I missed you so much," he said crying. "I missed you too," I said crying myself. "Uncle Michael," Lucas and Hope yelled from behind me running over to us and hugging him. "Hey guys," he said picking them up and kissing there foreheads. Then there was another knock on the door. Calum looked at me confused and went to get the door. "Where is she," someone said. "She is in the living room," Calum said. Then Kian burst into the living room. He ran over to me wrapping me in his arms. I could feel his tears hit my shirt. I couldn't find the words to say to him. I just wrapped my arms around him. I then blurted out them words that I didn't want to say, "I love you Kian." I pulled away and looked at me. His face looked sad. He looked down at his shoes. "Mariana I have a girlfriend." I don't know why I was mad. But I was. I stormed out the door running home. I could feel the tears running down my face. I grabbed my keys and unlocked the door. I quickly shut the door and locked it. I put my back against the door and slid down. "I don't know what I was thinking. Why would Kian still love me." I then heard the back door open and a concered Michael walked into the living room. He walked over to me picking me up and wrapping me in his arms. This is when I realized that Michael truley loved me. All this time. It might have hurt him that I was with Luke but he still loved me. I pulled away from Michael and looked into his eyes. He began to lean in and so did I. Are lips soon touched and for once in my life I felt happy. That happienes soon ended when someone busted the door down. I pulled away from Michael and saw someone I never thought I would see again. He stood there shocked himself. "Mariana?" "Evan?"


Ok so thats it. Sorry for the slow updates.

Love ya guys


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