Chapter 14

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Mariana's Pov:

Me and Evan quickly got up following Sam and Kian out of the tree house. "So what happened," I asked as we walked through the woods. "Trevor got bit. By the Jikitso." Shit. I quickly began running towards the castle to find Trevor passed out in the infirmary. "Where did he get bit," I asked. "On the arm. It's deep and sadly there's only one thing that can heal him," Margret said looking at me. "You know that I can't do that," I said looking at Trevor. "But I don't think you will die," she said. "You don't think. Your saying this could kill me," I said staring at her worriedly. "He's going to die soon. I would make your decision quickly." I sighed handing her my arm. "I'm so....," I cut her off. "Just do it." "Ariel we need you," Margret called out. Ariel walked into the room and looked at Trevor and then at me. "Are you stupid. This could kill you," she yelled. "I don't have a choice. Tell them I love them if I die. Just do the spell," I said handing her my arm. She pulled out a blade and began carving a symbol in my arm just about where Trevor was bit on his arm. "Párte mia boukiá apó to éna sto állo gia na skotó̱sei éna kai na só̱sei ton állo," she chanted. I began to feel a burning in my arm as the bit on Trevor's disappearing. "It's done," Ariel said sadly. I watched as Trevor's eyes opened and he smiled at me. But then he soon noticed the bite and his smile faded. "What did you do," he asked sadly. "Don't worry about it. Now leave quickly," I said to him feeling myself get week. He quickly left just as I fell to the ground. And sadly Nick and Evan ran into the room with Kian and Sam following. "Mariana," Evan said rushing over to me and helping me up. "Go," I said weakly. "No I can't lose you," he cried. "I'm gonna be fine. I'll come back in a few hours," I smiled. He smiled back kissing me. "I will see you then," he said leaving. Kian and Sam left with him leaving me with Nick. "You lied to him. Your not coming back Mari," Nick said sadly. "I had to give him some hope. And maybe I will survive," I smiled sadly. "What about the kids. They just got you back. And Trevor he's gonna think this is his fault," Nick said on the edge of tears. "My kids have Calum and you. And tell Trever I choose this. It isn't his fault." Nick nodded sadly. I felt a ping of pain in my stomach. I growled out in pain. "You should go. I don't want you to see this," I cried. Nick quickly hugged me. "I love you Mariana," he cried. "I love you too Nick. Now go," I said as I growled out again in pain. Nick quickly left, leaving me alone with just Margret and Ariel. I hugged both of them quickly before one of the guards came to get me. "So where am I bringing you," the guard Ken asked sadly. "The prison. Lock me up quickly before the change hits," I groaned. He did as I said leaving me in a prison cell. "Thanks," I sadly smiled. "No problem miss." I looked through the cell door to see the rest of the prisoners that were in her. I saw the Jacks, Cameron, and ........Ethan. "Mariana," he said noticing me staring. Everyone else looked my way. "Yeah hi," I groaned in pain. "What's happening to you," JJ asked sadly. "It's my time to meet the devil that's what's happening," I slightly laughed. "Wait your dying," Ethan asked. "No me and the devil where just gonna grab coffee and have a chat. Yes dumbass I'm dying," I said feeling another ping of pain. Within seconds I could feel myself changing. The bite began to burn badly. I looked at JJ before I fell over meeting darkness.

Evan's Pov:

Nick came out of the infirmary with tears streaming down his face. He walked over to Destiny wrapping her in his arms. One of the guards Ken walked towards the infirmary shaking his head sadly. I quickly walked over to Nick. "She's not coming back is she," I yelled out sadly grabbing everyone's attention. Nick just looked down shaking his head. I fell to my knees in tears. "Nick what is he talking about," Ashton asked. Nick cried harder. "Trevor he... he got bit by a Jikitso. And... Mariana she...she took the bite for him," Nick said. Everyone in the room gasped. "She's not gonna make it." Ashton began to cry and so did some other people in the room. But there was one person that was the saddest. I couldn't tell who it was but they ran out of the room crying. It sounded like a guy. But I didn't care at the moment. The only thing I cared about was Mariana. And I'm losing her. There was a loud howl from the prison cells and we knew she was gone. I secretly hoped that she would be fine. And that maybe just maybe she might come back. But that would take a miracle. I got up wiping my tears away and walked out of the castle and towards Mariana's treehouse. But when I got there their was someone in it. "I'm guessing you come here when you lose her," I asked the guy. He looked up at me. Oh it's Kian. "Umm yeah," he sniffled. "Did you guys date?" "Yeah we dated for awhile. I really loved her," he smiled sadly. "Did you leave her because you found out what she was," I asked sitting down. He shook his head no. "I would never leave her because of that. I just thought she was cheating on me," he sighed. "Are you sure your talking about the right Mariana?" "Yeah I know I was stupid for ever thinking it. I just want her back. And I think my friend Sam wants to date her too," he said sadly. If he only knew that she might want me back. Oh god that would crush him. If it was me I would be crushed. But I don't know. Maybe she doesn't like me like that anymore. Well now I might never know.


Well I updated. It took me awhile but I updated. 

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