The Chamber

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The Fremen people meant everything to you. It's what you were, what you would always be. So when the Harkonnen left, your people partied. You hadn't had such freedom in your lifetime.

However, that didn't last very long. When you were awoken by Stigar one night because an Atreides swordmaster was spotted scouting out the area, you knew what it meant. Groaning and getting up, you dreaded that the Atreides would just be another Harkonnen.

The sand dunes were cold during the nights and scorching hot during the days. Because of this, the swordmaster would sleep during sun up and scout and search during sun down, meaning your squad would mirror his actions, often having one person to watch while he slept.

You noticed that while he walked when he wasn't on Shai-Hulud's territory, he'd sing in a deep-throated voice. It was soothing more than anything.

You glanced behind you, no Fremen was in sight. You marched forward, hand on the crysknife in it's loop.

You leaped out of the ground, crysknife in hand and ready to fight this man. He pulled out his own blade and activated a shield. Your knife crashed down onto his, sending a chip of his steel flying into the air. He was a large man, and you saw it in his eyes he thought it he could defeat you.

No way. You wouldn't let him.

You used your height to your advantage, ducking down and unbalancing the giant man, throwing him forward. He rolled over only to be met with your crysknife crashing down, slicing the top of his left ear off. He shoved you off, your body flying through the air before you landed on your back, did a backwards roll and stopped yourself from rolling back any further. You jumped up, yelling as you leaped into the air, the your crysknife knocking a large dent in what would have been his head if his shield wasn't working. He threw a large punch at the side of your face, you heard a large CRACK in your jaw.

A tooth. Shit. Your nose started oozing red blood along with your mouth, but adrenaline blocked the pain as you continued on.

That blow deactivated the suit, and as you both fell to the ground, you saw it in the man's eyes that he was terrified. He knew you were powerful. He charged at you, you poised your knife so that you twisted his blade and flipped it into the air. You then caught it, now wielding two blades. He charged at you once more, arms open, ready to catch you.

You rolled underneath him, then jumped up and locked yourself onto his back, pushing him down to the ground, you slit his right wrist deep, drawing blood. Your knee was between his shoulder blades, putting an insane amount of pain into the man. Your crysknife was pointed between the first two vertebrae on his neck, if you stabbed there, he would lead to paralysis, letting you kill him easily.

'YIELD!' He screamed. 'I YIELD! I COME IN PEACE!'

'PEACE!? YOU TRIED TO KILL ME!' You screamed back, spit flying from your mouth.

'DEFENCE,' the man lowered his voice, 'defence, please... hear me out.'

'Don't say anything stupid.'

'I've come to speak to your people. My name is Duncan Idaho and I am a swordsman of the House of Atreides.' The man, Duncan, told you. 'I've come to speak to your leader. I have volunteered to be the Fremen voice during the House of Atreides' Spice trade while we're currently on Arrakis. I mean no harm.'

You watched the man for a second.

'Please, take me to your leader.'

'I am the leader here.' You replied in a strong voice. 'You will not go any further.'

'Then let me help you.' Duncan sounded sincere. 'I will represent all the Fremen people in the House of Atreides, I will make sure that you're people are heard, that you've got a voice, that you can have an opinion and hand in the Spice trade.'

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