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A/n: Your basically in a coma, and the italics is what you can hear, but you don't feel anything. Also, I know I published like, two days ago, but you know what? I don't care, I'm publishing this anyway


Unknown: I'm glad you brought her here on time!

Girl: Doc, I saw them, she was really pale.

Doc: Thank you Rura. Run along now.

Paul: What's wrong with her?

Doc: I'm not sure, Sir. Help me place her on the bed.

Doc: Is she your wife?

Paul: Fiancé.

Doc: She doesn't look to good. What's her name?

Paul: Y/n.

Doc: And yours, Sir?

Paul: Paul.

Doc: Ok, Paul, if you could step out for a moment, I would apreciate that. I can examine her closer.

Paul: Anything to help her, Sir.


Doc: Paul, you may come in.

Paul: Thank you.

Doc: She's suffering from a high fever, running up a 103 average temperature. She also seems to have a large blood clot in her brain, which will have to be taken care of immediately, along with any possible cracking in the skull.

Paul: Cracking in the skull!?

Doc: Yes, it appears she has fallen over and possibly cracked her skull. As long as she gets the attention she needs, which we can perform in her state, she will survive.

Paul: By all means, Doctor, do as you must.

Doc: Do not worry, the baby will be fine.

Paul: Baby!?

Doc: Yes, she seems to be about two months along.

Paul: Baby... baby... baby...

Doc: Do I have your permission to go on with the surgery?

Paul: Ye- Yes doctor, you do.

Doc: Good, I'll get along with that.


Your head thumped in pain; your eyes felt swollen and your legs numb. You had no idea what was going on. All you could remember was falling, vomiting, coming to the Sietch, then a few notes here and there from a voice you didn't recognize and Paul's voice.

Something along the lines of surgery because of blood and cracked bone? And something that shocked Paul. That something you had no idea about.

But your body did burn, it's muscles were sore and worn.

'Y/n?' You heard in the distance.

Then you felt something other than pain. Somebody comforting you, holding your hand, somebody rubbing their thumb across the back of it. You knew, you could tell, who that somebody was. It was Paul.

'Paul?' You said, attempting to open your eyes, then closing them again due to the sheer brightness of the room.

'Yes, Darling, I'm right here.' Paul sighed. You heard the happiness in his voice. 'You're okay, you're safe now. We both are.'

'What happened?' You asked, squinting to see Paul's outline.

He looked very disheveled. His hair was all over the place, he had massive bags under his massively bloodshot eyes, his smile weak and a long time coming.

Even in this state, your heart still swelled at his looks.

'You hit your head, Y/n. It caused a blood clot and you had to get surgery to help it pass.' Paul explained. 'You've been in a coma for one week.'

'One week?'

'Yes.' Paul nodded. 'Y/n, darling, I have to tell you something.

'Anything, My love.'

'You're pregnant.'

'Sorry? What?'

'Sweetheart, you're carrying my child.'

'I... I am?' 

'Yes, and we almost lost it.'

That explained why Paul's eyes were so red. He'd been crying about losing a baby.

'We did?'

'But now you're awake, you, and the baby, will be safe.' Paul kissed your forehead delicately. His eyes started pooling with tears, the sight caused water to form in your own. 'I promise it will never, ever happen again. I'm not losing you, or our baby, ever.'

The rest of the time in the hospital wing was recovery. You watched your stomach grow with a little Fremen-Atreides inside it. Occasionally feeling a kick or two two months later. By then, you were allowed to wander around the Sietch, but you still had to sleep at the ward.

You had your own private room that Paul had put a sleeping mat on the floor in. He insisted you shouldn't have to sleep alone, even though you said it was ok if you did.

A lot of your time was spent either reading with your head in Paul's lap, or playing games.

Soon, you were let out of the hospital and into your own room. It was large, a massive bed up against one wall with a baby cradle down the end. A two-door closet and a bathroom on the other side. It had enough candles to light it up, but few to keep the room cool.

One month later, the two of you married. It was not a big ceremony, Doc was there, along with little Rura, the girl who saved your life that fateful day, and a few other friends who'd sort of invited themselves, but you didn't oppose to having them there.

Nights were spent either cuddling (or in the early stages of pregnancy having sex) or having long talks about the future. You and Paul decided on two children. One boy, and one girl. Neither of you enjoyed being only children, though Chani did really help with the loneliness a lot.

Five short months later, you were back in the hospital ward, but left with another family member.

A little girl, who you'd named Aideen. And a little boy, who you'd named Sorin.

That night, as you fell asleep with your two gems, you felt complete.

All you'd dreamed of was there, a loving husband and two beautiful children, a boy and a girl. 

Your life was complete.


A/n: I hope you enjoyed it! Don't forget to vote and leave a comment :)))

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