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a/n: I know I just published another fic but I couldn't wait to publish this one hehe also when the story says 'one afternoon' it took all my strength for my aussie ass not to write 'one arvo' bahaha


The library was cool. Golden sun rays broke through the tall windows, casting long shadows from the frame across the concrete flooring. A warm breeze shifted the long, heavy curtains millimeters at a time, and created the summer aesthetic that was portrayed in your book, Malibu Rising, an extremely old book that you found in the depths of the rows and rows of beautiful books.

The window bench that you were perched on gave you a brilliant view over the city. Off in the distance, a spice plow's smoke could be seen if you looked hard enough. The mid afternoon sun lit up the pages like a direct reflection, your eyes, so used to being in the bright sand, didn't mind the light that would otherwise blind Paul or someone else.

As you where trying to pay attention to the brilliantly put together plotline of the story, your mind kept wandering back to that boy you'd gotten to know. It had been almost three weeks since you got to the Palace, and since that sparring session, you'd gotten closer to Paul. 

He sat at a desk a few meters away from you, studying something to do with your planet. Often, you'd answer his inquiries about Arrakis, sometimes they where simple 'yes' or 'no' questions, other times they required a whole five minutes to explain. Like the Sietch patterns that were so intricately placed with grave detail.

You felt like Paul was watching you, trying to not pay any attention to it, you flicked the page over. But you felt it. His eyes bearing into your face, not creepily, but more with fascination.

'Alright,' you sighed, putting down your book, 'what do you want?' You looked up at him, who faked innocence by attempting to widen his eyes.

'What? I didn't do anything.' Paul shrugged.

'I'm trying to read my book here, which is hard with someone staring at your face.' You replied, raising your eyebrows.

'I'm just wondering if the book is worth reading.' Paul stood up and came over to the window seat and sat opposite you. You just fit, so Paul sitting there created an even smaller space. You're body was extremely aware of the closeness and you cursed yourself as you started to sweat a little more. Not because of the sun.

'I guess, I'm only a few chapters in.' You turned the book over in your hands, examining the sunset cover. When you looked up again, you saw Paul watching you. Once again, not in a creepy way, but he was just... watching. His eyes were soft, his mouth curved in a slight smile, he breathed deeply as he looked into your eyes.

You successfully fought back a blush and just softly smiled back at him. The moment was heavenly. Deep eye contact, comfortable and welcoming, not at all daunting or embarrassing.

Paul leaned in, just a little bit at first. Your subconscious decided it was only the right thing to move in as well. Within a second, you and Paul were only a centimeter apart. You felt his breath tickle your face, his eyes flickered to your lips and back, his nose softly brushing yours. 

Your heart jumped, were you really about to do this? Were you about to kiss the boy who you feared to love, though desired to love him? Were you about to confess your deepest secret to the one person who could break you into a thousand tiny pieces.

Yes. Yes you were.

You leaned forward, officially closing the gap between you two. His lips were warm against yours, soft too. The kiss was slow and calming, it felt like warm, loving honey had dripped from your lips and made its way down to your fingertips and toes. 

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