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a/n: guysssss it's almost been a month since an update! ahhh! Sorry, i've been working on stuff *cough cough* peter parker pov story *cough cough* but here is a new chapter! Hope u guys enjoy ittttt :)


It was late when you woke from your sleep. The alarm you set rung quietly under your pillow, as not to disturb anybody else in surrounding rooms.

You crept out of bed, your eyes adjusting to the dark as you walked through the dim hallways of the Sietch. Turn after turn, your heart increased in nervous pound after pound. Your mind raced with repeating  'what if' and 'but'. 

Despite all those thoughts, you knew of one thing. You knew, with all your heart, that you would marry Paul Atreides.

Finally, the large door that belonged to Paul's room faced you like a looming mouth. You pushed it open gingerly, so not to wake Paul in a fright. You crept over to the side of his bed and knelt down. He seemed peaceful, calm, in the dim light of the candle that lit the room. He was beautiful. Simply beautiful.

You reached out your hand and stroked a runaway curl from off his forehead, and you heard him sigh.

'Paul?' You whispered. The boy didn't stir. 'Paul, darling?' He drew in a deep breath before opening his eyes just a crack. 'Hi.'

'What... are you doing here?' He whispered. 'Shouldn't you be with your fiancé?'

'Paul, I don't want to be with him. You know that, I want to be with you.'

'Well you don't seem to be trying.' Paul attempted to turn over, but you grabbed his shoulder before he could.

'And that's why I'm here now.' You whispered harshly. 'I am going to marry you no matter what. That's why we're going to run away.'

'Run away?' Paul hazily sat up and looked at you. At this moment, he'd never been so madly in love, and so mad at the person he was madly in love with. The faint orange glow of the light spread across your blue eyes, they stared back at him with all the love in the world. 

He couldn't say no to you, no matter what was being offered, whether it was riches, gold, all the women in the world, he would tell them no if you just asked him to stay. 

'Yes, Paul.' You climbed up to the bed with him. 'Let's run away. We can be together, we can love each other with nobody saying anything else against us.'

'Sugar, I love you, but how would we run? Where would we go?' Paul shook his head as he gathered up the train wreck of thoughts that rushed in his mind.

'There's a Sietch on the far north side of Arrakis. The people there are disconnected from the world, they don't know we exist, they don't know you exist.' You explained. 'We can travel there, it won't take more than two months and they will welcome us. I think, but anyway we can live our lives there.'

Paul stared at you. Your heart pounded in your chest. What if he said no? What if you couldn't do it?

'Alright.' Paul nodded, making your heart skip a beat. 'I'll do it. Because I love you so much.' Paul reached his arms up and grabbed you, pulling you down to the bed with him. You giggled as his warm body pressed yours to the bed and his hair tickled your forehead. 

You smiled, you'd missed this. You loved this.

'Y/n?' Paul looked into your eyes.

'Yes, my love?' You whispered, fearing any louder would break the spell that loomed over you two.

'Will you marry me?' He asked in the same whisper.

'Yes, my love, I will marry you.' You smiled at Paul. Your Paul.

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