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Hilts held your hand as you walked through the halls of the Sietch. At this point, you had given up on trying to resist him, not you just tolerated him. But every time you held his hand, or touched his face.your cried. You only wanted to touch Paul's face and love him, to hold his hand, not Hilts.

To wake up next to Hilts every morning broke your heart a little more. All you wanted was to wake up early in the morning, next to Paul, and give him a kiss on the nose then sneak back to your room and 'sleep' until sunrise, then spend it with him. Now, you spent your sunrises with the boy who didn't hold a candle to your heart,

'Come on, Darling,' that was Hilts' pet name for you, 'we're nearly there.' He pulled you through as low crevice in the wall that was a small pathway that lead up to the top of the rock formation where you Sietch lay below.

'Yes, I know.' You mumbled as you ducked your head. The pathway was cool, that lead up to an already hot night. The sky was filled with deep rich purples and the stars had already started to fade. Light pink could be seen peeking over the dunes, the sun was rising.

You sat down next to Hilts, he wrapped his arm around you, wanting you to put your head on his shoulder, which you didn't do. He didn't fuss, though. He just went in watching the pink turn into red, then yellow and finally the sun peeped over the edge.

Last time you'd enjoyed a sunrise was when you were snuggled up next to Paul, his arm wrapped around you protectively. He kept mumbled incoherent words that you never really deciphered because you were too entranced by the magic of the moment. 

You were pulled out of your memory when Hilts shifted next to you. You looked up to register the sound of footsteps coming your way.

'Who is it?' You asked.

'I think it's your father.' Hilts stood up, letting your arm go cold, not that you minded.

If this was your father, it meant Chani. A small smile creeped across your slips as you remembered her sly smile and dry humour. You were excited to see them again. You watched as Stilgar walked over the rocks face. First thing you noticed was Jamis, his lead fighter, wasn't there next to him. Frowning, you watched as everyone else slowly followed him.

'Daughter, we have guests.' Stilgar called out to you. Looking through the crowd, you saw Chani walking next to a fair woman, you recognised her. But before you realised who she was, a mop of curly black hair fought for your attention. 

Paul walked into your line of view.

It took everything, EVERYTHING to not sprint up to him and slather him in kisses and hugs and 'I love you's. His eyes met your own, and you saw the same desire in his as in yours.

'The Palace got raided, Duke Atreides died in the fire. Jessica and Paul were safe, they're with us,' Stilgar stopped next to to you. 'Jessica, Paul, you remember my daughter.'

'Of course, how can I forget?' Jessica smiled at you, you mirrored her as best you could.

'Yes, well,' you knew what was about to leave your Father's mouth, 'this is her Fiancé, Hilts.'

You watched Pauls face, it showed no emotion, none. Nothing at all, it broke your heart. What did this mean? Was Paul no longer interested in you, did he find someone else? What happened?

You shifted your eyes to the ground, then decided to show the same cold-heartedness that your lover had shown himself. You looked back up and in a strong voice you said, 'yes, we are due to marry in three days. I am glad you are here, you can come and watch the ceremony, it will be one of the best.'

'We'd love to come.' Jessica turned to Paul, who just nodded, he didn't say a word.

Stilgar kept talking about the wedding as you went down back into the Sietch. You'd had the best sunrise in the past, and now, you'd had the worst.


You had no idea how it happened, but you ended up being in the same room, alone, with Paul.

'So.' Paul said. 'You're getting married.'

'Yes.' You gave the same blank stare back. 'I am.'

You didn't look at Paul as you continued to eat.

'He's... nice.' Paul said, meaning that time when Hilts wouldn't stop blabbering on about shit that neither of your really cared about. 

'He buys me flowers every day.' You nodded.

'Flowers.' Paul said sarcastically. 'Lovely.'

You finally had enough . You slammed your fork down on the table. 'Do you have a problem, Paul?'

'Oh, no. Watching my love marry a douchebag is the easiest thing I've ever done. You know, I can't wait to see your kids, but instead of having my eyes and my hair it'll have Hilts' eyes and Hilts' hair.' Paul continued in a fake happy voice.

'It's not my fault!' You yelled. 'I can't control when or who I get married to!' You took a second. Paul was the love of your life, not Hilts, Paul. All you wanted was to spend your life with him, not some second-rate person who is a self centred prick. You sighed and got up, walking to Paul. You  gingerly placed your palm on his check, rubbing it with your thumb, you spoke softly.

'Paul, I love you. I really do, but my father... he never payed attention to me. He was always busy with other stuff, and I was raised to do as I was told. If I could, I would run away with you.' You  took Paul's hand and kissed his knuckles then brought it to your chest. 'We would live in peace, have babies of our own; little Paul's  and Y/n's. But I can't, I love you so much, my darling, but I can't marry you.'

Paul was  stunned as you kissed him on the cheek. 'I love you Paul.' You said one last time before you left the hall.


Tears streamed down your checks as your wailed. You hasn't cried this much since your mothers funeral when you where five. You where heartbroken more than ever before. For some reason you thought  that having that closure would help your  heart to heal, but all it did was break it some more. 

You apart thought that love, real true love was hard to find, but now it seemed impossible. Soo close, yet so far.

You wiped your tears as you turned the hall to the fitting rooms. Your wedding dress was hanging up on a hook. 

It was simple. White satin with a traditional corseted bodice and long skirt. The hood was off the same material and  latched  into the spaghetti straps that held the whole heavy thing up. It was  almost  the exact same as your own mother's wedding dress only hers was a creamier colour. 

Your seamstress walked in, her clothes chock full of colour like usual. She kindly instructed you to put the dress on. Once you did, your went from zero to ten. However,,  The first thing that popped into your mind was Paul's reaction and that brought your mood down a shit ton. Just as your circled around  on the mirror, you noticed Chani standing outside the room, peering in though the window. She had a sad giddy smile. You could just see a lock of black hair behind her.

Paul's face shifted into view. It was filled with awe and amazement. He had tears welling in his eyes but you had no idea if it was because you where in a wedding dress or you where not marrying him.

'Do you like it?' The seamstress asked.

'Yes, thank you. It's beautiful.' You mumbled as you watched Paul apple something off his face. His eyes met yours for a second and you felt your heart break even more, if that's even possible. 'Can I take the dress off now please?'

'Of course.' The seamstress helped you out of the dress, and with another crack in your already  shattered  heart, you went to dinner. As you sat at the table, you couldn't stop staring at your plate. You shouldn't marry Hilts, you should marry Paul. That's the way it was meant to be, that's the way it should be and nobody should tell you otherwise, even you're own father.

That night as your fell asleep, you made up your mind.

Your world marry Paul Atreides. Even if it killed you.


A/n: I hope you enjoyed it! Don't forget to vote and leave a comment :)))

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