Ch.1 Raven Woods

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I wrote this book long time it might be a little messy.                   I stood in the full body length mirror staring at my curves. My parents hated the fact that I used thickness as the word describe my body, they call me fat and names.

I never really wanted to be treated that way and they are going to have to accept that I'm thick!


I rolled my eyes at the sound Of my seventeen year old brother voice, he basically got everything! He was a very muscular teen, he had blue eyes unlike me and perfect grades.

Well let's just say him and I are competing to see who gets the most attention and respect from our lovely parents, its obviously him.

He's a karate assistant and a star basketball player at our old school. I looked down at all The damn boxes on the floor next to me.

I picked them up with all my strength and skipped downstairs, that's where I met my brother, Alex, and my parents, Luna and Digi.

"Finally, damn." My mother said in her Swedish accent, I rolled my eyes and followed my father to the big moving truck. Unlike everyone else, my father was the only nice person. He accepted that I do have a really nice body.

My old friends used to call me the next Iggy azalea. I chuckled to myself at the thought, they were such fabulous friends!

"What you thinking bout?" My dad said, my dad is Hispanic and Jamaican. I wouldent call me mixed but my skin is a nice golden tan. My hair is a gold brownish.

I don't know where I got my goods from but its sure not my mother, she has no but and really small boobs. I only wished I had her puffy red hair and dark big green eyes. My mother didn't have the body but she did have the gorgeousness.

"Dad. I'm thinking about the memories." I said as we watched Alex and mother come out the bug house.

"Ah well, we getting a new start. So...we could make new great memories."

I acknowledged my dads helpful words as we all crammed up in my fathers black 2015 rangrover.

I sat in the back with my brother and my parents, like always sat in The front.

We were moving to Miami for a new start. I hope its a good option too. I was getting kinda tired of Vermont.

We finally made a stop at the gas station to get some gas, I unbuckled my seat belt and looked over at my brother, who was surprisingly asleep.

I smirked and opened the car door. "Where you going?" My mother asked stingily. I rolled my hazel eyes and turned to look at her.

"I'm gonna buy some fucking snacks." She shook her head and turned to my father.

Yes, I curse round my parents. They think I'm old enough. I'm sixteen..I looked inside my Michael Kors purse and took out my black leather wallet.

I took five dollars out and walked into the little gas station doors. The smell of liquor lingered in the air and I cringed my nose as I went into the snack aisle.

"Damn, you so damn juicy!" A crack head grown man said as he gulped down a bottle of wine.

I felt my cheeks get red and my body get hot. I turned around, the man was behind me eyeing my ass.

"Get away from me!" I screeched pushing him against a nearby wall. "Leave me alone"

I ran out the gas station with tears in my eyes. I ignored all the boys whistling and calling me over to them. I can't really walk anywhere without being attempted to get raped.

"I didn't want her white ass anyways!" The same guy said from the opening doors of the gas station. I rolled my eyes and got into the car where my parents were waiting.

"Raven, don't ever let no boys talk to you like that" my father said starting up the car. I rolled my eyes as my mom glared at me.

I didn't realize I fell asleep when I hit my head on the side of the car door. I slightly opened my eyes to be greeted by the biggest mansion I ever seen!

I rushed out the car before anyone and the white three story house stood before me. There was a gray big fountain and give cars in the garage.

There was also a made beach and pool in the backyard! I rushed inside the house and the smell of a new home tickled my nose!

The kitchen was marble and the TV was a huge black flat screen! I rushed upstairs and assumed the big pink and purple room was for me.

It had a king bed with pink sheets and mirror everywhere, my dressers where painted a nice shade of white and blue. I also had my own bathroom.

"Wow look at my room!" I heard a voice from down the hall. I followed the voice which led me into my brothers room. His was a theme of dragons which he's too old for.

His walls where all red and his bed was a dark blue. I walkednout and went down the stairs, my father was putting some more boxes inside.

"You like it?" He asked grunting as he put a big box on the floor. I nodded my head excitedly.

"How many rooms dad?" Alex voice boomed from upstairs.

"Ten son!"

I gasped, ten rooms?! What school am I going to?

"Ridgeway Highschool!" My dad said as if he was reading my mind. Ridgway? He'll no. that's where all the black kids go, its an all black school!

I had nothing against black kids. To be honset I like hanging around those kids, they were funny and awesome.

"Well Tommorow you start school" my mom said sitting on the red couch. I sighed and looked at her tired face.

"Thanks. I am going to go take a nap."

Authors note~ how did y'all like chapter 1? I know I did. Lol. Tell me what y'all think? Did y'all like Raven? Did you think she's going to get a lot of attention at her new school?

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