Chapter 2: The encounter

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Tiny specks of grime dancing flowed in the shaft of the noon sunlight that oblique through the small window of the lecture hall. Putera sits in his favourite seat in the class, staring blankly outside at the colourful campus building with the fresh scent of the air and the sound of birds chirping.

" Okay students, that's all for today and hope to see you guys after the mid semester break " The remarks made by Putera's professor break the series of thoughts lingered in his mind that distract his attention from the present.

Putera moved as if in a convivial mood because 1 month breaks for him was finally arrived after a lengthy and exhausting half of semester. His feet felt light and jumpy as he transported his body across the table to exit the entrance of the lecture hall.

"Chim" "Chim" The sounds coming from his phone halt his stroll.

Putera open the notification to come across the text from Jafri:

[ Don't forget to meet me at our usual spot near the cafeteria ]

It was still early in the noon when he emerged onto a small room behind the cafeteria that was adequate enough to host a short rendezvous. The smell of freshly pain odour of the wall hit him. Too much of the smell distract him to notice the presence of 5 teen souls waiting for him in the centre of the room.

" Faster, Faster " the familiar voice of Jafri caught his attention.

Putera turn his neck to source of the voice and encounter four unfamiliar yet familiar faces sitting with Jafri.

" Okay guys, this is my fried Putera, and he will join us on the trip to Bangkok "

That particular sentence put a stop clock on Putera's mind while scratching his head in the process, as he was never informed and shocked by the statement made by his best friend.

" What— mind-- to say it again Jaf? " Putera stuttered to speak.

" I won a sausage eating contest at the mall last week and the prize is... six tickets of an exclusive sleeper train to Bangkok!!! " Jafri shouted excitedly while delivered the news.

" Unbelievable, you really do all sort of things man " Putera shaking his head in disbelief.

He grinned and said, " So do you want to join us? "

" Yup, I guess so, free stuff " Putera answered nonchalantly.

Putera then paused a second, a diffident feeling washing over him as he realised there are four pair of eyes gazes watching and scanning him while he stood awkwardly blocking the door. As an introvert, this atmosphere felt like him was being herded by a group of Hyena in the Savanna. A hundred or maybe of thousands of thoughts gushing all over his mind worrying about their impression on him.

Suddenly, one husky voice breaks the silence in that small room,

" Don't be scared buddy, we don't eat people "

The help of that voice burst the awkwardness bubble in the air. A glimpsed of pine green cap squeezed the crest of the oval shape of head with a set of deep cleft chine dimple wore on the face of that man. He was a clean-cut man with sharp features, a black hair of beard and charming brown eyes that can emit an aroused feeling of warmth with strangely a little bit of seduction in his smile.

" This is Adam, my course mate " Jafri introduced the man with a silvery voice of him.

Adam stand and amble his leg approaching Putera while extending his hand for a handshake,      " Hello Putera, let's have fun with us on the trip "

" Sure... " Toneless voice and yet a hint of unfamiliarity was found in his reply while welcoming the handshake.

To have fun with a stranger might be abnormal for him but in his wit one small hurdle was removed as a greeting was exchanged between him and that 'stranger'. Now, a big block of stone in his chest should be lifted as he try gathers the courage to strike a conversation with the remaining of the group.

" Okay Putera, I'm only introducing these beautiful girls only once and I will not going to do it again "

Jafri starts to point his hand on the left side first, " This is Melur, Sarah and Jasmine "

3 beautiful and extravagant city girls were seen smiling at him. Melur is Adam's girlfriend as they were famous as campus couple due to the good-looking features they got. This dimple couple is not unfamiliar to him but he never particularly had a single conversation with both of them. Melur's petite figure sat well on her slim body. When she smile, the white cottage cheese teeth can light up the whole room added with a pair of dimple that deeper than Mariana Trench to her point of cuteness.

A woman with a sophisticated attitude sat next to Melur, dressed in a black blouse and curling brown hair that caught the light in the little space. Her flaming brown eyes were the most striking feature of her, and she could nearly mesmerise people with her stare. For the record, this woman is not a stranger to him; Sarah is the daughter of their University's Vice-Chancellor.

Finally, the female who sat on the far right side of the chair is the one that really smoked the sensations of unfamiliarity in this small room. He had never seen or met her before, but he is certain that she is true to her name, a flower of ornamental beauty that embodies pure and innocent symbolism. Jasmine wore a traditional Baju Kurung, which she paired with a selendang to complete her conservative look. Her long black hair spools beside her attractive face, which conceals an appealing swan's neck.

" All right, then, we've got plenty of time to get to know each other later, so let's just end here and meet on the train station next week, " Jafri stated, interrupting Putera's mental vision of the three girls.

" Don't be late! " Jafri added a reminder for his friends.

" Speak for yourself man " Adam cut it in which spark a small laughter for the group.

They later dispersed one by one exited that small room. 

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