Chapter 4: Is this enough?

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" Do you finish unpacking your stuff sweetheart? " Adam peeked his head inside Melur's bunker.

" Doneee, Did you finish yours? " She smiled, trying to smooth out her hair. " By the way I'm so hungry, my tum tum has been playing drum for an hour now " she looked at her boyfriend with puppy-dog eyes.

" Nooo, let's get rid of those drummers then! " He smiled adoringly to her. " Let's head to the cafeteria, everyone already went there " " Andddd! Please don't take too many supplements, you're already beautiful " After taking a glance at the three supplement bottles on Melur's bed, Adam made a remark.

Melur just smiled " Let's go, they must waiting for us " she hurriedly changes the topic. Adam just laughed and shaking his head " let's go then "

It was nearly 7:00 p.m., and the café was about to open for dinner. Aside from the scenic views that passengers can enjoy, eating a meal on the train is also one of the pleasures. One adorable small family can be observed entering the cafeteria. Taking orders and clearing the table became a full-time job for the workers. While waiting for Adam and Melur, Jafri couldn't help but glance at the carriage's entryway.

Putera, on the other side of the coach, looked around as he exited the restroom, rubbing his hand.

" Ooops! " he suddenly exclaimed as he caught the young woman before she tumbled to the ground as they exited the restroom together. To keep her stance steady, he gripped her little waist tightly with one arm. That woman is really light, thin, and delicate. He inquired softly, "Did you get hurt?"

He was clutching to the girl. Her arms were both around his neck. She was in a state of shock and trembling. Her face was buried against his chest, and she slowly raised her eyes to him.          " Putera...? " A sculpted and feminine figure emits a little quiet voice.

" Jasmine? " he shocked. Putera was finally able to look the woman he had captured in the eyes. The breeze blew colour into his flushed cheeks, possibly startled by the unforeseen circumstances he'd found himself in.

" Ermm- thank you... " She shyly let out her appreciation.

" Are you really fine? You look so feeble? " He let go of her and she instantly took a stepped backward.

" Of course, I'm stronger than you thought. I can land by myself even if you're not there "

He frowned at her. " That's hard to believe, you looks so terrified just now " " Oh but I can accept the strong part, you could easily break my neck when you clung on me just now " He smiled try to poke fun at her.

She took a big breath and grinned cynically. " Thank you for the compliment! " she spun hurriedly in irritation and went towards the automatic door of cafeteria.

Putera hurriedly followed behind, heading for the cafeteria. Jasmine strolled down the steel floor without looking back. Her gaze was glued on her phone. He only anticipates her walking straight ahead, but Jasmine unexpectedly turns towards him. He tries to dodge her and luckily, he was able to stop before colliding with her.

" Will you be able to wait 5 minutes before entering the cafeteria? " Jasmine pleads to him. " If they see us coming inside together, we'll never hear the end of it ".

Putera just giggled, " Works for me ".

Jasmine went away from Putera and into the cafeteria after making an OK sign with her hand. Putera ponders as he walks around the door, thinking about how he able to crack a joke at her and how he feels at ease around her. Without he even realised, the presence of this young woman has taken away a little bit of his introversion. 

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