Chapter 17: Are you sure?

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" It's been six months, but every time I walk around the university compound, I still get a few unpleasant stares from other people " Melur grumping as she sat on the chair, " It's like we are the reason Sarah went missing "

" Yes, because of that damn editorial club " Adam rub his hand.

" Rightttt, the way they reported the case in the university news board were so bad " Jasmine agreed and relate to them. " Our name were always mentioned every time the monthly news board were released "

Adam went to stand fan to slow down the speed of the fan," But we know right we should not bring this thing up in front of Jafri, he is still blaming himself for all that happened "

" Sure, I feel for him " Melur pouted his lip.

Human psychology has long held that persons who appear to be less bruised than the victim should bear the brunt of the responsibility simply because they returned safely from any bad events. This group is going through the same concept at the same time in their lives right now. After some brief seconds, the footsteps of two people walking in the room near the café struck their ears.

" Hey guys " Jafri greeted everyone in the room before his took a seat whereas Putera simply bent his head in greeting.

" So, why did you call us today? " Adam inquired directly.

Jafri exhales deeply, " Actually, Putera and I have something to show you guys "

He dug through his backpack and pulled out the intriguing wooden box.

Melur stand closer to Jafri to see the box " What is this? "

" Last night, one mysterious guy left this wooden box on my shoe rack, I tried to chase him but he was so fast " Jafri started to share his story, " And... " He turns the box to showed the bottom of the box that has a carved name of Sarah.

Shocked and stunned, these two expressions attached on the face of three of them.

" Why... " Jasmine weakly respond.

" Do both of you already open this box? " Adam questioned, brows creasing in as he watch the box.

" Yes, we opened it last night, and there's a strange-looking doll inside, as well as some sort of spell or riddle written on burned paper " Jafri opened the box and took out the doll and paper to show them.

Melur covers her eyes with her small and delicate hands, " Nooo, That's so disturbing to watch "

Adam then pull his chair closer to read the passage in the paper " So, do you guys figure it out? "

" We can perused the words below and interpreted them as spells but it doesn't sound like a spell to me, " Jasmine said as she read the passage from her seat.

" Putera also thinks like that " Jafri lightly smirked at Jasmine.

" I think this poems, each having their own significance meaning, so lets focus to interpret every sentences " Adam holding the doll in his hand.

Adam continued to rummage into the doll until he discovered some cotton that had been improperly stitched. As he attempted to unstitch the cotton, a small piece of paper emerged from the stitch in the doll's heart.

" Guysss... I found this " He took out the paper and shown them.


" 3, 7, 101, 74 " Jafri mumbled and narrowed his eyes to focus on the figures.

This paper caught Melur's attention, " Good, now we have another riddle to solve " She seemed to really piss of with this situation. " Who this scumbag that left this box at your house Jaf? "

" Unfortunately, I don't know Melur, " Jafri said as he shifted his focus to Melur. He solely has a regretful expression on his face.

" Don't be discouraged guys, we can figure this out together, let's meet at lunch tomorrow to solve this," Adam tries to cheer them up. " Sounds good? "

He remarked, his gaze fixed on their faces.

That idea received a unanimous nod from the rest of the group. As the lunch break ended and some of them had a lecture later, they began to leave the room one by one.

After an eventful two days for Jafri he return to his home late at night. It's already 11 at night but Jafri seemed to sleepless in his room. He only stared at the ceiling's bumpy plaster in his bedroom for a moments, as if he gathering his thought. Then he sighed and flung the blankets back, sat up, and swung his right leg over the side of the bed, ignoring what remained of the left. Standing and using the edge of his bed for balance, he tripped over to his closet, where he hesitated, staring at the sticky note on his closet consist the riddle from the letter. 

He sat back down on the edge of the bed and examined the poem countless time. A part of him hated that thing. It's because this poem is the game played by someone vicious using Sarah's life as the prize. It was very hurtful to look at because he knows that if he cannot solves the riddle he cannot find her friend back. He frowned then left his head hanging down.

Elements, elements, elements, elements. That word really agonized his mind. " Wait...element!!?? " He exclaims. He seems to come into realization after mumbling thinking it over and over on that particular word in the last sentence of the riddle.

Jafri jumped out of bed and rushed down the stairs. Making his way passed a few boxes before he marched up to his room bringing a book. He looks on another section of the page and froze, not focusing on what the words said but mainly on the certain part of last section of the book.

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