23. Granger Jr. *draco* part 3 !last part!

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Requested by @JulzLovDrac4Eva
Enjoy the last part of this little trilogy.


"Stop!" I could faintly hear as the pain began to seep in. I slightly tilted my head the best I could to see who had spoken.

"Draco! What are you saying son!?" A furious fake blond yelled at his son.  No.. I thought. He's gonna get himself killed. But soon both of the death eaters wands were taken from them, and Draco stood holding his mother's wand, his father's wand, and his aunt's, pointing them towards the sky.  Creating a diversion he sent a blinding light towards Bella and Lucy.

In a daze I faintly felt being picked up and running.

*     *    *

When I woke up the dark basement was gone and now I seemed to be in a hospital bed in the medical wing. (I can't remember what it's called)

I weakly lifted my head to see Draco pacing, and Hermione switching her position on a chair about 50 times, Harry running his hands through his hair with his head down, and of course Ron eating, stressfully of course.

"So all I gotta do to make you all come together is get hurt, huh?" They all rushed towards me. Their words and questions pounding my head.

"Slow down... man I should get hurt more often, people start caring about you." I laughed weakly.

"Don't do that. Ever." Harry said checking every inch of me to see if I was ok.

"Seriously, Y/n it's scary to see Hermione like that and you... you couldn't talk back to me, when I needed you most..." he trailed off towards the end of his sentence, but i heard him. I smiled. I knew he meant cause he had no idea how to handle the 'Lavender/Hermione' situation.

"Y/n/n! Are you ok? You almost didn't wake up! You idiot. Don't ever do that again to me." I laughed stronger now.

"To me I was just sleeping for a second. And to be honest, I didn't really have a choice." She sighed in relief tears coming down her face as she refused to say she was crying.

"G-Granger.. I'm so sorry, I tried to get you out, but-" I had never seen Draco stutter, much less have tears in his eyes. Hermione interrupted him.

"Stop. You saved her and us. Now I hate you and always will, but you did save us and for that we'll be eternally grateful." She nodded in respect.

He smiled shyly, blushing at the compliment, if you call that one.

"Draco Malfoy blushing! Who are you?" I said joking. He looked at his hands.

"I'm sorry my dad... no I'm sorry I have been such a foul person to you, and I'm sorry I put you in danger because of how I felt.." i sat there confused and amused to see him apologizing.

"How you felt?" I asked.

"I sorta told my house elf I liked you and he told my dad and then my dad came after you." I stifled a laugh. He looked hurt. I quickly apologized.

"I'm sorry, it's just... you told your house elf?" I tried to hold in a chuckle. He scoffed.

"I am not gonna do this right now. I'm glad your awake." He said turning around to walk out.

"And I'm sorry Potter, Granger, and Weasley..." I quickly got up almost falling down but steadied myself. I grabbed his shoulder's and turned him around.

"I love you too." He widened his eyes. Then kissed me wrapping his hands around my waist to support me. We heard a cough.

"I don't forgive you anymore." Hermione said narrowing her eyes.

I laughed.

"She likes you now. Also you good with being my boyfriend now?" He looked shocked.

"Aren't I supposed to say that?" I raised my eyebrows.

"Who said it first?" He scowled.

"Me, Of course." He said burying his head in my shoulder.


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