Chapter Twenty-Two

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The Ultra Space Wilds's Rocky World was a world with cloudy skies and rocky formations that emerged from the dry soil. Among these rock formations were a few shrubs, showing that the place was not completely barren.

We left the station and walked along the landscape. As we did so, Kitty began to feel a bit uneasy.

"I don't know about you," Kitty said, "but I have a feeling that we're being watched."

And her suspicions ended up being right, as suddenly, Kylie and Hinata popped out from behind some rocks, catching us all off guard.

"Kylie! Hinata!" Paul exclaimed.

"Welcome to Round 3, %$@#&*$." Kylie said.

"Indeed." Hinata said. "And this time, we aren't going to let you decide who can go up against us. We're not going to give you that privilege. We're going to decide who's going to fight us, based on which members of your team we would most like to destroy."

"Those being...?" Gertrude asked.

"Well, in my case, it's Lucy." Kylie said. "She's such a %$@#*& wuss- the biggest wuss of the group, in my %$@#*& opinion. It'll be really %$@#*& easy to break her %$@#*& glasses."

"I AM NOT A WUSS!" Lucy shouted defensively.

Kylie rolled her eyes.

"Sounds like something a %$@#*& wuss would say." she said.

"As for me," Hinata said, "I'd like to destroy Terrence. He's far too focused on his looks. I'd love to destroy his beautiful face."

"Bold of you to call out Terrence for his supposed vanity when your ego is so inflated that I need a million of it in order to buy a single loaf of bread." I snarked back.

"Shut it, Diane!" Hinata snapped.

"Anyways, Lucy, whaddaya %$@#*& waiting for?" Kylie said. "Get the %$@# over here and PUT UP A %$@#*& FIGHT!"

Lucy unsheathed her katana and approached Kylie with a look of determination in her eyes. Kylie whipped out her ice sword, prepared for battle.

The two girls engaged in a sword duel. Kylie's aggressive fighting style was initially difficult for Lucy to square off against, but she eventually was able to get into the swing of things and repel Kylie's attacks. It was clear that Lucy was more of a worthy opponent than Kylie anticipated.

Kylie was furious that Lucy was being so resilient, and decided to exploit her weakness to the Ice-type by using Blizzard unexpectedly. The frigid surprise attack shocked Lucy and dealt quite a lot of damage to her.

"Oh, so this is how we're gonna do things now, huh?" Lucy said. "Well, let's see how you like THIS!"

Lucy used Aeroblast on Kylie, which damaged her. Kylie retaliated with Glaciate, but Lucy was able to dodge that attack and retaliate with Punishment. They resumed their sword fight, clashing their blades together.

It was a grueling battle, with both of the girls giving it their all. Ultimately, even though Lucy was on her last legs by the end of the battle, she managed to persist and defeat Kylie.

"AGH! FINE! I GIVE UP! I GIVE THE %$@# UP!" Kylie said. "You win the %$@#*& fight."

She got back up.

"Now, it's my turn to fight." Hinata said. "Step aside, Kylie..."

Kylie walked over to the side as Hinata strutted over to Terrence like a supermodel walking down the runway. It was clear that she was trying to seduce him to get him to let his guard down.

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