Chapter One

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My name is Diane Almaz.

I'm just a regular, average girl. Well, except for my blue skin. And my time powers. And my legendary parentage. And my skill with a spear. And the fact that I cry diamonds instead of regular tears.

On second thought, I am very much not a regular, average girl.

See, I am a demi-legendary- half human and half legendary Pokémon. Which legendary Pokémon, you might ask?

Well, if you couldn't already tell from the context clues, I am a daughter of the almighty god of time, Dialga.

Now, demi-legendaries like me usually spend their summers at a special summer camp called Camp Arceus. I've been going there for two years now, and I can safely say that Camp Arceus is the absolute best place that I have ever been. While I was there, I have made so many friends, learned to master my time powers, and played a lot of fun games. Many of the friends that I have made at Camp Arceus, such as Terrence, Lucy, Reggie, and Gigi, are among my closest and dearest friends. Additionally, last year, Camp Arceus hosted the annual Folkloric Face-Off, a kickball competition between Camp Arceus and Camp Ultra (a rival camp for the children of Ultra Beasts), and I met Aurelia Aguamala, who I have since kept in contact with on a regular basis and who has become my best friend. But, enough with the long-winded introduction.

It was 3 days before I was supposed to leave for Camp Arceus. My mother's old TV broke last night, and since she couldn't bear to miss an episode of her favorite soap opera, she decided to go to the Veilstone Department Store to buy a new one. She took me with her because, according to her, I "spend too much time indoors" and "need to get some Vitamin D". Well, Mom, considering we live in Snowpoint City, where temperatures are almost always below freezing, you can't blame me for spending so much time indoors. So we got on the back of my mother's Noctowl- her only Pokémon- and flew there. So, here I was, wearing a green and white dress with a matching headband and my one pair of sandals, walking alongside my mother through the city hewn from rock.

While we were walking towards the department store, I noticed a sad-looking girl sitting outside of a fairly tall building. Her hair was short and black, with gold highlights, and she had a very slim figure. She also had grey skin and black wings coming out of her shoulder blades, so I knew she had to be some sort of demi-legendary- and judging by the wings, she was most likely a child of Giratina. So, since I had never seen her around Camp Arceus, I felt it was my duty to tell her about the camp, and I asked my mom if I could go talk to her.

"Okay, Diane." she said. "But I have to be supervising, in case she's actually just acting sad to get attention or something."

So I walked up to the girl, sat down next to her, and asked her what was wrong. "A lot of things." she replied. "I can't really elaborate on why I'm in such a bad mood without telling you my entire backstory, and I don't know if a random stranger like you really wants to hear that."

"Oh, go ahead." I said. "I'm listening."

And with that, she began.

"So, basically, when I was a baby, I was dropped off in a basket at the Veilstone Orphanage, which is what that big building behind us is. Around my neck was a platinum locket with a picture of my parents- which I still wear to this day- and in the basket that I was in was a note that said something along the lines of 'This is Gertrude Platina, we can't take care of her, she needs a good home, we may or may not come back for her, blah blah blah.' So, even though the people at the orphanage were a little put off by my "weird" appearance, they begrudgingly took me in. Growing up, I always felt like an outcast because of my strange looks. The other kids living in the orphanage (and, once I became old enough to go to school, the kids at school) always either made fun of me or avoided me because of how I looked. But then one day, when some kid at the orphanage made fun of me, I snapped back at him, and suddenly, I heard a big 'kaboom', and then when I looked back, there was a huge hole in the wall. And, of course, everyone blamed me. Now, I assumed that was just an isolated incident, but later on, I got really mad again and caused another explosion. It was then that I realized that I had the power to cause explosions, but I had no idea how to control them. Now, because of my ability to make things spontaneously combust, everyone at the orphanage was terrified of me, and because my powers were causing property damage, I was not only a pariah, but I was considered a liability by the orphanage's owners. Now, I had no idea where this came from. But then, I heard about how legendaries can turn into humans, and sometimes have half-human children with humans called demi-legendaries. And, after rereading some Sinnoh myths, it all began to fall into place. My grey skin, my wings, my natural gold highlights (yes, these are natural, I was born with them), the fact that people claimed my eyes turned red when I got mad, my parents leaving me at the orphanage- all of these pointed towards Giratina, the god of antimatter. And after doing some research on antimatter, I learned that whenever antimatter comes into contact with matter, a massive explosion occurs, which explained my powers- I was unknowingly bringing particles of antimatter into our world, which caused them to immediately come into contact with the matter in the air and combust. So, with the knowledge that Giratina is my dad, my hopes for finding my parents were basically obliterated, because I now knew that at least one of them lived in another dimension that I had no way of accessing. So, yeah, I'm stuck in a terrible situation with no way out."

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