Chapter 23

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The day after, Quackity and Sapnap were called to a meeting with Phil and a few others. As they continued their way through the dark halls of the academy, they noticed that despite the lack of electricity or light, there was a lively atmosphere and a cheerful mood. Several times Quackity had to stop and was questioned by younger students about his leg. Even though it was amusing at first, it only consumed time. Especially when they had to meet someone on time. Several times he and Sapnap had to kindly turn people away.

"Somebody's famous, I see," Sapnap commented with a grin as they turned down the empty hallway where principal Philza's room was. Quackity just threw his head back with a grunt and lightly punched Sapnap in the shoulder. A laugh, then they remained outside the principal's door for a moment.

"I wonder what he wants to talk about," Quackity's gaze was fixed on the doorknob, his voice low. Sapnap leaned back and balanced on his heels, his gaze lingering for a moment on the Duck hybrid's back. He hadn't seen his wings in a while, was he really as fine as he pretended?
"We're about to find out."

The room was filled with warmth and a strong smell of tea. Philza was sitting in the center at a large wooden table that looked as if it was about to collapse. Wilbur was also there, having stood by the barricaded window, ignoring them. Professor Awesamdude and Professor Badboyhalo immediately jumped when the two stepped through the door and turned to their boys. Professor Badboyhalo, whose tail nearly knocked over the chairs at the table, hugged Sapnap. The latter complained, but could not hide the relief of seeing his father again.

Sam was more than a confidant to Quackity. But to say that this person who strolled uncertainly toward him was a father to him felt like he was betraying his real father.
"Are you okay?", the Professor who was now standing in front of him and looking down at him with concern snapped Quackity out of his thoughts.
"yes- I-", he was interrupted by Sam, pulling him into a hug.

"You don't know how worried we were. Philza had to stop me from searching for you and- oh Quackity you're damn skinny! Are you eating enough? I can give you my rations for the next few days if-" the hybrid became more overwhelmed the more the man with the green skin talked. His nervous chatter was like an everlasting waterfall.

To his rescue, Professor Badboyhalo turned to them, "Sam, please don't overwhelm the poor boy. They just got back."
After some apologetic chatter and some laughter that quickly spread around the room, everyone was finally able to sit down at the table.

Quackity and Sapnap sat down at the table across from Philza. To the right and left of Principal Philza sat Professor Badboyhalo and Professor Awesamdude.
"I won't keep you long," the crow hybrid began, "I just wanted to tell you a few things that happened while you were gone."
Sapnap gave Quackity a confused look, not knowing that there were things he didn't know about yet. Quackity responded with only a cursory shrug.

Philza cleared his throat to regain their attention and straightened in his wooden chair.
"Since the attacks and Karl's disappearance, the angels' attacks have died down at all the camps and academies nearby. It seems they finally have Karl in their grasp and therefore no longer need to threaten us," he fell silent as he realized Quackity had buried his head in his hands and Sapnap had to suppress setting everything on fire.
"Plus," Awesamdude said, turning to Quackity, "Has George disappeared since the attack, too."

This statement was enough to upset both students. While Quackity slammed his head against the tabletop with a trill, Sapnap jumped up, hair flaring.
"What? Why are you just telling us this now?" the Blaze yelled, upset. While Professor Badboyhalo tried to calm his son and Philza and Sam talked frantically, they didn't notice Wilbur's burning glare at them.

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