one <3

8.8K 207 361

june 8th 6:30pm in america
TW!!! abuse and slurs <\3
(a/n, i'm British, i know nothing about american times or currency so ignore it)

athena pov
"chat...? what do you mean someone redeemed the shrek channel points award..." athena grumbled, squinting to read her chat.
then she spotted it, someone indeed ,redeemed the 'shrek' channel point award.
"NO FUCKING WAY" athena screamed, rolling her chair back , throwing her head into her hands, "WHY!!!"

if you were wondering, the 'shrek'  award costs 6900 points, and it's where athena has to paint her face green and keep it like that for the rest of the stream.

"i swear to god, chat." she whined, dragging the green paint across her cheeks. "i hate you guys"

user909: HAGAHAHA
gnfstann0: LMAO ATHENA 😭
athenafan: SHREXY
ranboozleddd12: WHAT I JUST JOINED
user201948202: wow so funny😐

"someone did not just say shrexy i swear to fuck" she laughed , looking at her green face through the streamlabs preview. "i genuinely can't believe this, yall bully me."

time skip of one hour

"WHAT THE FUCK THATS STRAIGHT HACKS" athena screamed at the top of her lungs, slamming her hand down on her keyboard. "BULLSHIT"

athena clicked off hypixel in rage, grumbling cuss words under her breath. "bedwars sucks ass anyway"
"give me a second chat i'm just gonna go grab a glass of water."

time skip

"hi yall unfortunately i have returned" she grinned, slumping back into her chair. "so chat how about a q&a for the last couple hours of the stream?"
majority of the chat were spamming 'yes' and agreeing. "okay chat! q&a time!! i won't be able to answer everything as there is ten thousand of you here but i'll do my best!"

user47101: whats your sexuality?
pogchamp111: what are your streaming plans
ranboozleddd: opinions on dream smp??
athenafan: how are you??
athenasworldfanp: are you dating someone??

"what's your sexuality, not comfortable saying on stream" athena stated, continuing to scan across the chat
"how are you? i'm good thank you! how are you?"
"opinions on dream smp? dream smp is quite cool! i don't really know much about it but it's one of my goals haha"
user101928290138: say ur sexuality
kayla707: ur fruity?!
maeeeandjess: u can trust us say ur sexuality
"guys stop with the sexuality questions it's my personal business."
the questions returned to normal and this went on for another half hour.

"dye your hair? maybe chat! for a subgoal maybe one-" athena stopped herself mid sentence, leaving her focus on a big moving truck. (as in like a moving house truck not a MOVING truck) "one second chat" she stated, muting her mic and putting her 'be back soon' screen on.
she got up and slowly walked over to her window. 'hmm. that's odd. i didn't even realise the other neighbours moved out' athena thought to herself. it was just a small family. a mother, father, daughter
and son. well that's what it looked like anyway. "swag"

"hey chat i'm back! but i also think that i'm gonna wrap the stream up here, i need a shower and some food or something" athena said after unmuting her mic and switching her camera on.

time skip (again i know sorry 🙁)

"HONEY!!! SOMEONE IS AT THE DOOR FOR YOU!" athenas mom called up the stairs for her.
"ughhhh tell them i'm asleep!" she groaned , flopping onto her bed.
"NO GET YOUR ASS DOWN HERE" her mother retorted, a stern edge on her voice.
"social interaction sucks" she mumbled , pulling herself off her bed and down the stairs.

athena ran a hand through her hair before opening her door to declan. declan is her boyfriend , just for a little background.


"oh. hey declan? what are you doing here?" she said , motioning for him to come in.
"can we go upstairs please athena." he replied , his face maintaining a cold look.
"uh sure...? what's up?" she said , walking up the stairs behind him.
"see, i can't help but think about what you said on stream today. the sexuality thing."
"i just said i'm not comfy saying it on stream..?"
"yeah, why? if you're straight, which you are. right?"
"well.. declan ...i'm telling you this because i trust you. no i'm not straight."
"what." he snarled, looking down at her with a stone look.
"i'm pansexual. i like everyone-"
she got cut off to a burning pain in her cheek.
"declan what-" athena spoke, barely as loud as a whisper.
"no way that you're a fucking faggot. i am not dating a fucking faggot." he said , pushing her shoulders, causing her to stumble onto the carpet.
"declan what the fuck?" she whispered, her hand on her face and tears filling up her eyes.
declan forcefully bought his foot to her back multiple times. "we're over." he growled, before storming out and slamming the door behind him.

athena pov

i just sat there, tears spilling from my eyes uncontrollably. i don't even know what just happened. declan was the person i least expected to do that. i wouldn't have even expected him to hurt me mentally. let alone physically. and i sat there. i just sat, doing nothing. i did nothing while he beat the fucking shit out of me. all because i like women.

i slowly stood up clutching my side. tears still cascading down my cheeks.

and then i realised . i was facing my window. staring to the other side of the street. and there he was. he saw. he saw the whole thing. (YK WHOOOOHSIWKDN)

i wiped my tears and instantly closed my curtains.

what the fuck. do i do now.

a/n: this chapter was really sad for me to write :( but whoever is reading this and idk how many people will but hey! hi hello remember you're loved ! go eat and have a glass of water ! ily<3

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